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My eyes fluttered open. I was in a black and white themed room that had hints of dark red-violet in it. It resembled a bedroom of sorts. There was a note on my arm and a bell on the nightstand. It said 'Ring' in capital letters. I rang the bell and seconds later, a man walked in with a platter of food.

"Your dinner, Miss Melanie," the man said.

"Thank you, Mister-"

"Just call me Jeff," he spoke in a more casual tone. He put the platter of food on the nightstand. "Do you need anything? Maybe some pain killers? Or any special requests for food?"

"No, this is perfect. Thank you, Jeff," I smiled.

"It really is good to have you back, Mel," he smiled. "You really keep everyone here grounded. Well except for Harley of course," he chuckled.

"Yeah, what's her problem with me? I can't really remember," I nervously chuckled.

"She was always jealous of your relationship with Mister J. That girl is head over heels for him."

"And does he return her affections?" I asked. I was suddenly very curious about everything. I wanted to remember.

"Slightly. Not nearly as much she would like," he sighed. "But Mister J was always intrigued by you. You're so sane, yet you do all of these crazy things that could get you killed. The guards and I are blackmailed into doing these jobs, but you," he paused. "You willingly go along with everything and you're not like Harley. You do it for the rush, the satisfaction of being bad and defying society's rules and the laws of the country!" Jeff seemed fond of me and my actions. Almost as if he looked up to me for being this way, yet also thought I was the dumbest person on the planet.

"I can't even remember the adventures. That's what makes this place a little frightening. The unknown," I sighed.

"I think when you bumped your head, you lost your personality or something. This isn't the Melanie we all grew to admire and love. And by we, I mean the guards and myself. I'm still not so sure how Mister J sees you. That man is very," Jeff leaned in closer. "Fucked up, if you know what I mean," he whispered.

"I totally get it," I giggled. "I don't know the slightest thing about him, yet I've apparently known him since forever. All of these people telling me that I was this and I was that just makes me so interested in who I was that I don't think I want to be who I am now," I sighed. "Just by being in one room, I got a memory, and Harley's jealousy triggered another one," An idea sparked in my head. "That's it. I'm exploring this place and wherever else I was in the-" My words were cut short as I stepped out of bed. An excruciating pain was sent from my foot and traveled throughout my leg. I nearly screamed but I stopped myself.

"Mel!" Jeff grabbed my leg and set it back on the bed. "Warn me when you're about to do things like that! You could've made your ankle worse."

"What did Harlequin do? Break it? Just because we were talking? She just makes me so mad sometimes!" I vented. But I realized something. Jack is Harley's god in a sense. She loves him so much and when she thought that love was in jeopardy, she tried to salvage it. And salvaging it meant getting rid of me. Harley's morals are blinded by her love for him.

"It's only sprained, but Mister J doesn't want you walking on it until it's healed," Jeff explained.

"Then let's get some crutches. I won't be walking on it, and I can get my memory back."

"I wasn't going to tell you this, but they're under your bed," he whispered. "This conversation never happened, okay?" He asked. I nodded and he smiled. I grabbed the crutches from underneath the bed.



Hello, lovelies!

This chapter is slightly filler and slightly not. Yeah...

Thanks again for reading this story! All votes, comments, and shares are appreciated (unless you're being extremely negative and not at all constructive then just get out. The door looks like an 'x' or back button. Just get out of here rn please. K thanks).

-Berry x

Amnesiacजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें