Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Cedric entered the Maze, Harry on his heels. Charissa stood just outside the maze, hopping nervously from foot to foot. Viktor Krum would enter next, and then it would be her turn.

The moment came all too fast.

Charissa ran into the leafy green maze. "This shouldn't be too hard." She muttered to herself, turning right. "After all, a maze is just a bunch of leaves."

She stopped for breath soon and looked around. When air returned sufficiently to her lungs, Charissa sang a few notes, instructing the maze to lead her to the Triwizard Cup.

The leaves did not budge.

Sighing, Charissa directed a question their way instead. "Can I climb?" She asked. The leaves rustled a bit, obstinately refusing the question.

"I am a Dragon Queen, and you will answer me!" Charissa exclaimed. The leafy branch nearest to her reached out so that its tip touched Charissa's temple.

"We're sorry, m'lady." The branch rustled in her mind. "We've been enchanted. We cannot tell you the location of the Cup. But you may climb us, if you wish."

"Thank you." Charissa responded. She reached out and grabbed the maze wall, pulling herself up and fishing around for footholds. The maze cooperated, latching around her hands to hold her steady.

It took Charissa only a minute to climb to the top of the tall hedges. She paused for breath then stood up, peering across the vast maze in search of a glow, or some other sign of the Cup. There were none.

Someone screamed. Charissa whipped around towards its direction of origin but could see nothing. "Who was that?" She asked the maze, bending over so the leafy vines could speak with her once more.

"The other girl has been attacked." The maze reported.

"By who?" Charissa said as red sparks shot up and the maze shook a bit. The vines continued to hold her in place.

"The boy from the North." The maze said. Charissa nodded her thanks, knowing the maze could sense it. So Krum was attacking people. It made sense. It also meant Charissa needed to stay on top of the maze.

She began to run towards what appeared to be the center, feet held up by the maze, which seemed determined to help her as much as its enchantments would allow it to. Her feet never seemed to falter or slip, although Charissa herself was unsure of where she was going.

Suddenly, the maze shifted. Charissa threw her arms out for balance as the leaves in front of her changed positions. "Sorry." The maze said. "Someone's below you." Lying on the leaves, Charissa looked out over the edge. Below her was Cedric.

"Ced!" She exclaimed, slipping her legs over the side and beginning to climb down.

"Rissy!" Cedric exclaimed, startled. "Where did you come from?"

"I'm good at climbing." Charissa shrugged. "Can't see much from up there anyway, and since Krum's probably far away, I'll stick to the ground for a bit."

"You mean you've been on top of the maze this whole time?" Cedric asked. "That's genius!"

Charissa pulled Cedric down a different path before replying. "Thanks." She said. "And don't go that way, there's grindylows over there."

"Where are we?" He asked as they continued to walk.

"Close to the center." Charissa said. "At least that's where we were when I climbed down. The maze has probably shifted since."

The maze shook a bit. "Krum's coming." It hissed. Cedric and Charissa exchanged a look. "Climb." He said. "I'll find you later."

Charissa nodded and jumped onto the maze wall, scrambling up faster than she'd ever climbed before and running off without stopping. Eventually, she crawled back down to the ground, pulling out her wand.

The air filled with screams once more, male this time. "Cedric!" Charissa yelled, trying to fight her way towards the sound, but the maze would not let her. The screams stopped. "Is he alright?" Charissa asked the maze.

"Yes." It rustled. "Krum is gone. Turn around, there's something behind you."

Charissa whirled around. She saw herself, sleeve pulled back to reveal the Dark Mark.

"What are you?" Charissa asked.

"I'm you." She responded. "The real you. Who you're meant to be." Charissa noticed then that the other girl's eyes were jet black. There was no pupil, no iris, no white of her eyes, just black.

"Just because my parents promised me to the Dark Lord does not mean I was meant to be a Death Eater." Charissa said.

"You are no more than a Death Eater gone awry." She said.

"The Dark Lord died before I was born." Charissa said. "My parents did what they had to in order to survive, now that the Dark Lord is dead, I am free."

"Debts live past death, you know this." She said.

Charissa's blood curled. "You're a boggart!" She realized. "Riddikulus!"

The boggart vanished and Charissa climbed the maze once more. The boggart's form had made sense. Ever since she had heard of the deal, it frightened her more than anything. The deal had allowed her life, but had the Dark Lord survived, she would have had no true life.

"Charissa, get down!" The maze said. It was a second too late. Charissa spun around just in time to see a giant black spider leg bearing down on her. It slashed down her leg, knocking her down on top of the maze.

"Protego!" Charissa exclaimed as the spider leg became connected to a huge spider. The shield charm held long enough for the spider to become disinterested. Charissa tried to stand, and found she could barely manage it.

Something was glowing in the maze below her, just a bit farther ahead. Charissa took a few limp steps, pain shooting up her freely bleeding leg with each step. It was slow-going, but eventually she made it to just above the glow.

Male voices were shouting behind her. Charissa told the maze to help her to the ground. She didn't think she'd be able to make it to the ground. The maze wound a vine around her waist and carefully lowered her to the ground.

The Cup was ahead. Charissa walked as fast as she could towards it. She was only a few feet away when Harry Potter and Cedric came sprinting past her and towards the Cup.

"Rissy!" Cedric exclaimed, throwing an arm around her for support before turning to Potter. "Take it!" He said. "I would've died on the first task without your help."

"And I couldn't have gotten through the second task without your help! We're even!" Potter protested. Cedric sighed. "Together?" He said. Potter nodded and on the count of three, they both grabbed the Portkey and were jerked away, taking Charissa with them.

They landed roughly, crashing onto rocky ground. "Where are we?" Charissa asked, quickly trying to stop her leg from bleeding.

"I know this place. I've been here before" Potter whispered. "Get back to the Cup!"

Cedric, who was still supporting Charissa looked around warily. "Did they tell you the Cup was a Portkey?" He asked. Charissa shook her head.

Suddenly, a high, cold voice called out "Kill the girl!" Potter began to scream, clutching at his scar. Charissa turned towards the voice, her Mark burning.

The last thing she saw was a brilliant flash of green light.

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