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July 16th, 2013.
As the Happy Birthday song came to an end, Luke blew out all 17 birthday candles. He stared in amazement at the blue buttercream frosting scribed in his name. After helping his mum cut the cake into slivers for the couple family members that actually showed, he ran into the living room for his favorite part. presents. All night he was eyeing up the huge one in metallic gold wrapping paper.
"Oh, please mum!" Luke whined and tapped his foot against the carpet impatiently. As Liz made sure the camera had fresh batteries, Luke was already peeling at the mystery presents' tape. As he saw the shiny new handlebars, he squealed in excitement. It was a brand new bicycle. Rushing past his family members, he slammed open the front door.
"Luke. where do you think you're-"
And before Liz could finish her sentence, he was racing up the driveway on his brand new bicycle. Without a care in the world, luke felt the fresh breeze hit his face as he attempted to stop smiling to save his cheek muscles.
As he turned onto a busy street, he realized he had no lights, or helmet on his unexpected present. He simply shrugged and convinced himself he's rode a bike almost a million times before. As he reached down to prevent his shoelace getting caught in the chains, it happened.
No one heard Luke's scream of agony. All they saw was the pool of blood pouring from underneath him. Luke's legs were completely shattered with a fresh gash that covered his forehead. the driver of the eighteen wheeler could barely hold back tears. He took Luke's tiny wrist and felt for a pulse.
He was still there.

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