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As soon as she returned to where the others were camping, she immediately picked up that there was something amiss. Aidan’s face was bruised like he had picked up a fight again and she felt an instant fear grip her heart. Had he seen Jennifer and Ryce kissing? And had picked up a fight again with Ryce? Her worst fear had realized.

Filled with trepidation, she approached them and was surprised to see them still laughing together just like before her departure. Or they even seemed closer than before. Something had definitely happened during her absence because even Aidan looked happier than before.

Was she going crazy? Maybe the shock of seeing Ryce and Jennifer together again had finally taken its toll and her last thread of control had snapped. During her walk, she had finally deduced that Jennifer and Ryce were together and had hidden their relationship because they did not to aggravate the situation. And she had no right breaking them up only to make up for her past mistakes.

Jennifer had never loved Aidan and that fact was the truth. The only option left was to break the news to Aidan and offer him all the support he needed. If she was there for him unlike last time, maybe it would help him surmount his pain and deception. And he would hardly force Jennifer to stay with him if she loved another man. She would make sure that Aidan understood that fact as well.

“What happened to your face?” she asked Aidan not feeling as bright as she had earlier on the day and trying to formulate the words in her mind before affronting him.

Aidan shrugged. “I had a wrestling match with Ryce. Where have you been?”

“Wrestling?!” she asked stunned and looked at Jennifer for confirmation. The latter grinned at her and Kate felt her amazement grew. Her friends were behaving weirdly. But as long as they had not been fighting, it was okay with her. “I had a walk to the park. Are we staying the night?” she asked seeing the small fire.

Aidan nodded looking at her enigmatically and she shivered. If one look could have such an effect on her she wondered what it would be like if he kissed her. Kissed her? Now wait a minute. Hadn’t she just talked to herself about not harboring such thought to his regard? Hadn’t she spent the next few hours admonishing herself for being such a lovesick fool again?

 “I have already phoned to inform your parents that we are staying. It’s already too late to get back. We will sail tomorrow early in the morning.” Thankfully, they had brought along some extra food that would suffice for the night.

She nodded and announced to nobody in particular that she had to change before having dinner. As soon as she left, she heard a murmur behind her and frowned. What were they up to now?

Feeling hot after her walk, she decided for a quick dip in the river before changing herself into lighter clothes. But no diving this time. Carefully, she descended the rocks and found a place where there was a pool of water where she rinsed herself.

 While she had walked to the park, she had already decided that she would not break off the wedding. In so doing, she would break so many hearts around her and if she was behaving like a sacrificial lamb, so be it. She simply could not do such a low thing to her parents. They had done so much for her and she could not break their hearts in such a vile manner.

“Kate,” she heard her name almost in a whisper and she turned round to a pair of dark green specters staring at her. Her love filled mind saw something in his eyes and she could have slapped herself. Was love a disease?

“Are you done?” he asked her and she nodded unable to get any words out. “Let’s go then,” he said extending his hand to help her.

As he turned back to climb back, Kate held his hand to stop him. “I need to talk to you,” she said in a small voice. She had to tell him about Jennifer. No matter how it would hurt him. He would at least stop having hopes about Jennifer.

Meant To Be Yours #Wattys2016 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now