Chapter Two The Golden Dragon

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After you had landed your world turned dark once more as you lost consciousness from the hard fall. Your fall had landed very close to a certain kingdom, the Kou empire. Where your mission would start and love would blossom. Anywho the Kou empire was in chaos because they had seen your golden silhouette crash down to the Earth.

"Prince Kouen something fell from the sky!!" One of the many guards exclaimed as they entered the chambers of the great Kouen.

"Is that what this commotion is about? Very well send some men to go, scout, the area." Kouen ordered not looking up from his research.

"Will do sir." Saluting to his prince the guard left to go give orders.

Sighing Kouen looked up and rubbed his head. He was beginning to get a migraine from all the commotion. He could barely read his precious scripts for crying out loud. Getting up from his chair the 25-year-old exited his chambers. (Kouen's actually 28 and higher but for the story just go with it)

"En you wouldn't believe it. The guards, they found a dragon!" Kouha uttered to his brother with wide eyes.

"That's not possible. Dragons have been gone for ages." Kouen doubted.

"Well come along." With that Kouha dragged a reluctant Kouen behind him. After dragging Kouen basically everywhere until they got to the doors of a huge building. "Open the doors." Kouha order.

Kouen stared wide-eyed at the sight before him. There in the large building played a golden dragon asleep (the dragon barely fit but they managed). Kouen scowled when he saw a few guards chaining the poor unconscious beast.

"So this is what caused the 'Earth Quake'." He hummed stepping closer to the golden beauty.  Running his hand lightly against the golden scales that oddly felt soft underneath his warm palm. "If it awakens tell me." With that, the prince walked away with a small smile.


You groan in pain as you awaken from your slumber. Your body felt weighed down as if you were chained. Someone must have found me and chained me while I was out. Sensing many people you open your fiery orange eyes. You were greeted with the sight of servents. Who were cleaning your wounds which were minor scratches.  Guards watching you with wary eyes as if afraid you'd eat them. Your eyes snap to the right when you hear doors open. A tall confident, red-haired male walks in. He wears what looks like royal clothing. Great rich people who probably think I shit gold.

"You've awoken I see." Redhead hums.

"Duh, my eyes are open and I'm looking at cha." You sneered. As if not expecting you to speak his eyed widen. Which amuses you as your tail sways in delight.

"What is your name Dragon?" He asks seeming to glare at your amusement.

"It is rude to ask others their name without introducing yourself first," you say lazily closing your eyes.

"Toche. My name is known as Kouen, Kouen Ren prince of the Kou empire." He states looking at you.

"Well, Prince Kouen my name is Y/N L/N." You introduce moving your face closer to his. His eyes hold curiosity. How intriguing.

"Everyone out." Kouen's voice booms making guards and servants scramble put of the building.

"Why'd you run them off?" You ask. 

"If I had not then they would have either fainted or attack you after I do this." Kouen holds up a key.

"No need. I can handle this myself." Kouen watches you curiously as you close your eyes. You mutter words in the dragon language to change into your human form. You sigh at the feeling of being free. No more chains yay! Also, your outfit changes into a white dress with gold lining (pic above). "That's better." You cheer.

"You can change forms, incredible. Please fallow me." With that, you follow Kouen to the Palace.

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