Chapteter Five- Meeting Sinbad

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You open your eyes and see Judar looking at you with a red face. "Judar?" You walk up to him and place your hand against his head. "Are you feeling ill?"

Judar stares at you for a split second then swipe your hand away from his head. "I'm fine." He looks off in the distance.

"Liesss~," You mutter with a smirk. "Well, it's getting late~. Seya around Ju-Ju~!" With that said you use teleportation magic and teleport yourself to your current room.

"Ju-Ju?? What the hell shortie! That's not my name!!" Judar shouts in anger but stops when he sees that you're gone. "Where? Ugh, damn woman." He lets out a sigh before heading back to his own room.


You wake up to the sound of a girly scream coming not too far from your bedroom. Drowsily and reluctantly you get up from the comfortable sheets. You change your clothes to something less revealing than the white dress you were previously wearing (pic is what you're wearing). Letting out a yawn you exit your room only to have someone bump into you. Looking down you see princess Kougyoku.

"Everything ok Kou-hime?" You ask shortening her name.

Kougyoku looks up at you with teary eyes. "I-I..." Kougyoku stutters pointing towards a room.

Sighing you pat her head and walk to the room. Only to see a nude purple-haired male laying on the bedspread out showing his junk. You peek your head back at Kougyoku only to see her servant trying to comfort her. You look back at the unknown man and snap your fingers in realization. 'Ah, so the princess thinks she and unknown dude slept together. That's not true now, is it? Considering the fact he's the only one nude and Kou looks completely untouched..' I look back at Kougyoku's servant to see him having a mischievous look on his face. 'Ah, I see a setup. Wonder how things will go~.'

"Oi, wake up!" You yell kicking the nude guy out of his bed. 

Unknown dude wakes up and sits up. He looks around in confusion before his eyes land on you. "Who are you?"

"First put some damn clothes on. Second, it's rude to ask someone else's name before introducing others. Third, put some fucking clothes on!" With that, you slam the door closed.

A few seconds Sinbad walks out of the room. " My apologies my lady, my name is Sinbad. Now, what may your name be?"

"Nice to meet ya, Sinbad, wait for haha your name is both sin and bad gaga guess you sin in bad ways..." You let out an awkward caugh. "Anywho names Y/N." 

Sinbad stares at you in amusement. The first time someone's told me that. He gazes at you in curiosity as he notices both black and white ruhks fluttering around you. 'Is she between fallen?'

You also look at him in curiosity. "Do you use magic? I sense a lot of magical energy flowing from ya."

Sinbad stares at you with wide eyes. "How--"

"Dude, Sin, mind if I call ya Sin? We should spar, I mean you look really sorry we just met guess that was rude of meh~." You awkwardly whistle.

"Ah, maybe another time. I must get back to my country." He apologizes for noticing your magic spark. She seems quite powerful herself might even be more powerful than a magi.

"Oh! I apologize for taking your time. Seya around Sin~!" You wave and run off down the hall.

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