Chapter One

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I made my way from the football field slowly. Band practice had ended hours ago, but I always loved walking at night. My mother, however, didn't admire me going out at night. Everyone was often afraid that the Joker would kill their loved ones, despite the fact that he often targeted buildings or law enforcement, not average people.

My dad believed that the Joker was planning something, by always targeting buildings and law enforcement. He even tracked when the Joker came to Gotham, and my family was often on lockdown when it came time for the Joker to come.

My phone vibrated, the screen lighting up. I pulled it out of my pocket, reading the message from my mom.

Tomorrow is when the Joker comes to Gotham. We're lucky that tomorrow is Saturday, so you won't have to go anywhere. Hurry home.

I sighed, unlocking my phone.

I've already made plans with my friends. We're going to the library around two.

Her response came almost instantly.

You're canceling them. I don't care what "plans" you made. Your safety comes first. Your friends will understand. Maybe I'll talk to their parents.

I shook my head, annoyed.

It's fine. I'm coming home now, I'll be there in ten. Don't talk to their parents, I'll tell them.

My mom didn't reply, and I nodded, satisfied. I began walking slowly down the road, taking my time. I had to walk all the way to where the dumpster trucks were kept, a good half mile away. It was the only place I could stash my bike.

[ Gif ]

I retrieved my bike from under the first truck, hopping on. The night was calm me cool as the wind stung my face, watering my eyes. I didn't slow, ignoring the sting. If I continued this quickly, then I would be home in less than ten minutes.

As I rode, I thought about the one place in the world my parents decided to settle down in, and who it contained.

We all lived in the same world, but it was also like we didn't. Everyone had heard of Batman, and nearly everyone had seen him, along with the Joker. However, they were two very different people, who did very different things.

Batman was all for good. He did nearly everything a good guy should. People saw him as their hero, and I couldn't walk anywhere without hearing at least two people talking about him. It surprised me, since it was everyday to see Batman on a paper or a screen somewhere. Every child was told a bedtime story of how if anything bad happened to them, Batman would come and save them. Batman was almost always in Gotham, though he would disappear at times.

The Joker, on the other hand, wasn't for good. I hadn't figured out if he was all for evil quite yet, as he seemed to have his boundaries. People talked about him, yes, but never is a good way. They called him sadistic, cunning, sly, and manipulative. Almost never was he in Gotham, and it was known that he enjoyed traveling around, apparently wreaking havoc.

Nearly everyone had heard the story of Harley Quinn, but no one knew what happened to her. She was with the Joker one day, gone the next. It was a mystery that some wanted to leave be, and others wanted to find out. I, however, was curious. I had always found Harley interesting, despite he fact that she wasn't one for good.

It was actually rare for anyone besides his victims and the police to see the Joker, as he seemed to prefer staying hidden. Batman, on the other hand, could be anywhere that disaster was, and it wasn't unusual to spot him on a rooftop for a moment before continuing on.

Some people joked, saying that Gotham was a battle between Joker and Batman, though it was obvious that Batman topped Joker. The man didn't seem bothered by the fact that Batman was nearly always in Gotham, as he seemed content to come by every few months, destroying a building or two before fleeing.

I turned onto my road, pedaling faster as I passed the old houses. They always creeped me out, but only if I was on my bike, for an unknown reason.

As I reached my house, the floodlights clicked on, filling the yard with light. As it did, I braked, slowing down quickly before I hopped off, walking the rest in the way.

As I walked, I felt as if I was being watched. I ignored the feeling until I reached the door to my house, hearing it unlock as it swung open, displaying my mother.

"Come on in now, hurry." She grabbed my shoulder, forcefully pulling me in as I turned to look back over my shoulder, before the door closed in my face.

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