Chapter Nine

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Theresa above.


Batman and the Joker didn't fight, at least not while I was there. Instead, my mother's voice called me away.

"Go. Don't come back," Batman ordered me. I ignored him, uninterested in what he had to say.

"See ya later, doll." Joker waved his fingers at me, a grin planted onto his face. I hesitated, and then waved back.

I hurried up to my parents, sighing. "It's only been fifteen minutes, mom. Can't you leave me alone?"

My mom sighed. "I know, but I was worried." She shifted her weight. "How about instead of you shopping alone we shop together?"

I took a step back, shaking my head. "No, I want to go shopping alone."

My father sighed, turning his head. "She's old enough to go alone, love. Nothing will happen to her."

Mom sighed. "I know, I'm just worried. He is supposed to be in town, and I don't want her to get hurt or worse."

I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Mom, please. I know how to defend myself."

"You only took three karate lessons!" She pointed an accusing finger at me. "You couldn't have possibly learned very much."

"You'd be surprised," I retorted, and then sighed. Anger would only make her get hurt and make her shut me down. "Please, mom."

She closed her eyes, rubbing her forehead. "Fine," she sighed. We keep the original time and meeting plan."

I smiled, giving them both a hug. "Thank you!" I hurried away before they could change their minds.

I visited a few stores before turning and making my way back down the alley. I saw no one, and stopped in the middle of the darkness, feeling nervous.



I hear a noise, but before I could turn something hit the side of my head, and darkness overwhelmed me.


When I regained consciousness, I knew at once that I was tied on a table in a dark, damp room. My head aches horribly, and even blinking my eyes sent jabs of pain to my head. The only sound was the steady drip of water echoing from somewhere in the room.

"Isn't she ever gonna wake up?" A female voice with an impatient tone spoke out of the silence.

"Relax, it's only been fifteen minutes. We're lucky she was so close." A male voice scolded the female. "We have all the time we need." The words were met with an annoyed sigh, presumably from the woman. I heard a shuffling of feet, and the something poked my cheek. I jerked up as far as I could, smashing my forehead into somebody. The person jumped back, letting out a yelp. I fell back to the table, groaning. My head hurt even more now.

"Damn bitch," the female voice spat. I opened my eyes, spotting a woman before me. She had long brown hair coiled into a ponytail, harsh brown eyes, and she was dressed completely in brown, matching her skin color.

"Why am I here?" The words flew out of my mouth, and I instantly regretted speaking when she looked above me, presumably at the male.

"She doesn't know anything," the woman cackled. "She's gonna learn a lot of stuff with us." The man joined in with her laughing, their voices too shrill to be natural.

"So, what's this?"

The room immediately fell silent, the man swallowing and shifting uncomfortably at sound of the third voice. It sounded oddly familiar, yet I couldn't place a face to it.

"You see, mister, we captured a girl, like ya asked." The man before me grabbed something under the table I was tied to, twisting it. "See?"

The table slowly began rotating and lifting at the same time, so that when it stopped moving, I could have been standing if my feet were on the floor. However, my hair had fallen over my face as I rose, covering my view.

Footsteps echoed through the room. "I never said capture a girl, I just said look at some!" A hand slammed into a table, and I jumped, winching as the rope burned against my skin.

"Sorry, mister. We just misunderstood you." The woman spoke. "It won't happen again."

"Heard it all before, Theresa. What about you, Nicolas? Cat got your tongue?" The third voice teased.

The response was quiet. "No, sir. But..." man trailed off, obviously unsure.

"But what, Nicky? Ask away!" The third voice was falsely cheerful.

"What about... Har--er, your queen?"



I'm so sorry for the lack of updates, not just this book but all of my books. I've been experiencing writers block on several of my books, and I am re-writing an entire series, along with still working on this book.

This one picks up the pace quickly, and a few things might not make sense, but they will at the end once I tie up all loose ends.

A new character(s)! How do you feel about them?

I don't know how long it'll be until the next update, which I am currently editing. I hope I'll get it up sooner than this one, but marching band and school and midterms like to take up a lot of my time.

How was this chapter? Please give it some love!

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