Chapter Ten

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Nicolas above.


When I heard that name, I instantly knew who had taken me. At least, I knew who told them to "look at girls".

The Joker.

I nearly shouted the name, but caught myself. I had heard horror stories about him, everyone had. So far, other than my pounding head, this didn't seem too much like a horror story, and I hoped to keep it that way.

"What about my queen? Well, I have no idea where she is, now do I? And unless one of you two has any information..." He trailed off, giving them a chance to speak, but the only thing that occupied the silence was the continuous dripping of the water. "No, well, I was hoping... anyways, I have no idea as to where in the world she has gone, therefore I have no ways of looking for her."

"Why would she leave, sir?" Nicolas Andes, his voice tentative.

"Why, oh, I don't know. She's a wild spirit, and you can't hold them down. She's probably on one of her adventures, but until then, I want someone else."

"Wouldn't the queen beupset that you went and got a new doll?" Janie spoke, curiosity dripping from her words. "Girls hate to be replaced, even if it's only temporary."

"Not if she didn't know. Unless, of course, someone slips the word to her. But that person would face punishment, and I don't think anyone wants to face me while I'm angry." The Joker sounded genuinely curious, but I could tell that it was a threat.

"So, who did you get?" The green-haired man finally asked.

"That girl who you were standing with earlier? We got her, at least I think we did." Nicolas spoke.

I heard footsteps advancing, before a hand pushed my hair out of my face. "Hello, doll." A smile greeted me before I saw the rest of the white face. "How're you?"

I opened my mouth, hoping for a snarky comment, but all that came out was the truth. "My head hurts."

The smile faded into a frown. "I've got something for that. Nicolas, Theresa, go get my medicine." Two footsteps faded away, before the air went still and I knew that it was just us two. "I hope they didn't hurt you too bad, doll." He said. "I wouldn't want ya to get hurt." His red mouth stretched into a smile, showing a little white.

I sighed, my head bending down. "Here, I'll lay you back down." The man disappeared from my view, but I slowly rotates back down until I was laying down. "Why are you being nice to me?" My voice was surprisingly strong, despite my head. I knew I was asking all the wrong questions. I should have been shaking, pleading for my life with a psychopath.

"Because I don't want you in pain, doll. And besides, you don't like Batman. That makes you get on my better side. Theresa and Nicky know to pick girls who don't like Batman. Otherwise, I'd hurt all of them really, really bad." The man came back into my view, smiling. "You're such a sweet girl. Harley might have liked you."

"Might have?" I tilted my head, some of my hair falling to the table from my face. "Why might have?" I was letting my guard down, even though I shouldn't have been. This mundane talk was comforting me. I felt less and less as if I was going to die in a second, though it could still happen.

"Because I've taken an interest in you, dolly. She wants to be my one and only, and with her gone, she might just be... replaced." The smile grew, and I shivered, unsure of how to feel about his statement. I wasn't very afraid of him, unlike others would be, but I wasn't completely comfortable around him. After all, he was a murderer, torturer, and he was insane. That was enough to to make any person somewhat uncomfortable.

"Once you head is better, I'll have Theresa and Nicky take you back to the stores." The Joker smiled again. He seemed full of smiles today, and not sadistic or sarcastic, either.

I nodded. "What did they use to knock me out?" At my question, he held up a golden gun. "Probably this. And you hit Theresa with your head, too. No wonder your head hurts." He grinned. "I guess that you pushed through the pain, though."

I shrugged. "Guess so."

I saw Theresa and Nicolas enter, each holding a box. They came over, placing the boxes down beside me. The Joker opened them, revealing bottles and bags. He pulled out an orange bottle, tapping a few white pills into his hand. He dropped them into my open mouth, before taking a bottle with clear liquid and dripping some of it into my mouth. I swallowed and then coughed, not expecting alcohol.

"What, you don't drink?" The Joker replaced the bottles, closing the box. I nodded. "I do, I just wasn't expecting that."

The Joker turned to Theresa and Nicolas. "Take her back, and don't lay a single finger on her."

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