More Than Sisters (Lauren/you)

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A couple down the street got into a horrible car accident and passed away several weeks ago. Their daughter, Lauren was at home feeling sick while it all went down, and she was left with no one. Both parents were single children and their parents were long gone. Lauren is 16, just like I am, so she wasn't able to take care of herself. She was going to be put into a foster home, but my parents absolutely despised the thought. They decided "hey why not adopt the kid?" And now we are going to the foster home to pick her up. We had to wait a few days until the papers came in to legally adopt her, so she moved into the home for the time being.

Lauren and I played soccer and softball together when we were younger. During those years, I developed a crush on her, so this whole adoption thing screwed up my life immensely. I'll never forget the day I first started falling for her...


I was 6 years old when Lauren and I started playing soccer together. Our team was known as the Parktown Pandas, and we were hella fierce. During one of the games, a kid on the other team pushed Lauren down. I saw her grab her leg and my first instinct was to rush over to her. I watched as tears welled up in her eyes, and she continued holding her leg and attempting to hold back small sobs. Another kid, Madison had walked over and was looking down at Lauren while picking her nose.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. She nodded slightly, wiping away her tears.

"Do you need a hug?" Madison asked.
Lauren just barely shook her head and Madison said "okay" and skipped away. I kneeled down next to her. I don't know what came over me, but I said something that changed our friendship forever.

"Do you need a kiss?" I asked just above a whisper, partially hoping she wouldn't hear me. Whenever I would get hurt, my mom used to ask me if I wanted her to kiss it better. I wasn't sure if it was a family thing or not, but someone needed to make it feel better. Lauren looked up at me and her sobs stopped. She just stared at me with tears in her eyes.

I scooted next to her and wiped away a tear that was rolling down her cheek.

"Don't be sad. It's okay. Where does it hurt?" I asked. She slowly moved her hands away from her leg to show a medium-sized brush burn just below her knee cap.

I leaned down and left a soft, gentle kiss on the red spot, and pulled back.
"There. All better?"

Lauren smiled and nodded as I smiled back. I stood up and reached my hand out to help her up. We continued the game and ended up winning. Some kid's mom brought us cookies for doing a great job. That night is one that holds so many great memories.


Pros of this whole situation: I get to be around her a lot, and we are already pretty close. The cons are that I'm pretty sure she is straight, and now that she is technically going to be my sister, it would never work out.

The foster home was about an hour away, so we left at around 3pm to get a head start on the day. I watched the trees pass by like blobs of green and brown. Eventually, everything got blurry and it all went dark


I woke up to my dad shaking me.

"Y/N. Y/N, wake up. We're here," he smiled.

I rubbed my eyes and stretched a little, unbuckling my seatbelt. Well I guess this is the moment of truth. I got out with the stuffed panda that I had gotten Lauren and walked up to the door with my parents. My dad knocked, and a lady with red hair answered.

"Hello there. You must be the Y/L/Ns. Here to adopt Lauren Michelle?"

"That would be us. This is our daughter, Y/N. She's friends with Lauren."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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