Chapter 1 - Glenn's P.O.V.

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    Glenn woke to the sound of Maggie's hushed voice.  

    "Glenn?" She whispered. "Are you awake?"

    He grinned.  "I am now."

    Maggie sat up a little bit more and looked him in the eye.  A worried look spread across her face.  "I'm not feeling very well.  I don't think I'll be able to make the run today."

    Glenn's smile faded.  "Do you think it's..." he trailed off.  He couldn't finish his sentence.  Glenn would be devestated if Maggie could have possible caught the horrible flu that had almost killed him.  

    Maggie looked down and shook her head.  "Nah, I really doubt it.  Besides, it's not like that.  I'm just feeling a little tired and achy, that's all." She paused, then continued, "I guess I could actually try to make it out on the supply run today..." 

    "No," Glenn said sternly. "You should stay.  Rick will find someone else to go in place of you, don't worry.  And I can't risk you getting any worse or getting hurt."  He reached up and felt Maggie's forehead.  It was a little warm, but not burning.  

    She smiled weakly.  "Ok."

    Glenn smiled back.  "Now get some rest." 

    Maggie nodded, then curled back up under the covers.  Glenn stood up wearily, then quickly pulled on his clothes and got ready for the day.  Before he left the cell, he whispered, "When you're feeling up to it, you should go and see Hershel to have him check you out.  Ok?" 

    Maggie grunted lazily in response.  

    Then Glenn left the cell and shut the door tight.  As he was making his way out of the prison to meet the others outside, he couldn't help but let grim thoughts creep into his head.  

    What if Maggie was lying to him?  What if she really did have the terrible illness he had thought they had finally gotten rid of long ago?  What if it was really much worse than what she had told him?

    And then a differnt thought entered his mind.  A thought that Glenn hadn't let his brain ponder in a very long time.  What if Maggie was pregnant?  They had a little scare like that a while ago, but it had turned out to be nothing.  But what if this time it came true?  What if this time it would really happen? 

   But Glenn just couldn't afford to think like that.  

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