Chapter 6 - Maggie's POV

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    Maggie heard Glenn walk back into the cell.  This time, she was sitting up in bed paging through the little Bible that her father had given to her a while ago.  As Glenn approached her, she set it down next to her and sat up a little straighter.  Glenn sat down next to her.

    "I talked to Hershel," he spoke softly, looking into her eyes.  Maggie didn't want to return his gaze, but she felt trapped, so she did.

    "Did you tell him anything?" She asked sternly.

    Glenn hesitated, then hung his head in guilt.  "Yes.  I'm sorry.  But I had to.  He gave me some good tips for y-"

    Maggie interrupted him. "I didn't want to tell anybody.  At least not yet.  Not until later, when its for sure.  What if this all turns out to just be nothing?  Or what if we lose the baby?  We can't tell anyone yet.  Not until we're completely certain."

    "Ok," Glenn replied.  Maggie was surprised at how calm he was.  There was a small pause, then Glenn informed, "By the way, Hershel said you shouldn't take part in any strenuous activities, and you should always have enough to eat."

    Maggie grinned slightly.  "It's gonna be tough keeping me from any 'strenuous activities' - just warning you."  

    Glenn rolled his eyes and chuckled.  "I think you'll manage.  Now I have to go clear the fence; Michonne is probably wondering where I am by now."

    Maggie's eyes lit up.  "Can I come with you?  I mean, just to get some fresh air?  Not to kill walkers or anything."

    "Sure, I guess, why not..." Glenn replied unwillingly.  Maggie could tell he was worried about her, and it was a bit annoying.  But at least he was letting her join him outside, for Pete's sake.

    The two then made their way out of the prison.

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