Chapter 11 - Glenn's POV

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    "It's a boy!" Hershel announced as he held the small, squirming mass in his arms.  Then, he quickly nodded to Glenn.  "Glenn, get me a towel please."

    Glenn nodded back urgently, and frantically searched the room for a towel.  Finally, he found one, and handed it to Hershel.  The new grandfather fully cleaned the baby, then gently wrapped it up in the towel.

    Glenn suddenly noticed something.  "He isn't crying.  Why isn't he crying?"

    There was a pause, then Hershel responded, "His lungs might not be as developed as they should be, or it could just be that there's still some blockage in there."  As soon as the words left his mouth, a wet sputtering sound came from the baby's mouth.  Soon, he was crying like a normal infant.  Hershel smiled.  "Would you like to hold your son?"

    Glenn smiled back weakly.  Without responding, he carefully took the newborn from the old man's arms.  For a moment, he was filled with utter awe.  The feeling was rich and pure like a sip of melted gold.  The admiration he felt at that moment could not be simply explained.  It was like he himself had been born again as well.  The world around him felt so new.  It was a bond that would never be fully understood unless one actually experienced it for themselves.  

    Through all the chaos Glenn had forgotten about Maggie.  He snapped back to reality and looked down to see her frail figure lying limp on the cot.  She was still bleeding, and her face was gaunt and pale.  She looked like a corpse.

    Glenn turned worriedly to Hershel.  "Is she alright?"

    Hershel bent down and listened to Maggie's chest.  "She's breathing," he replied.  "But very shallowly.  She's loosing too much blood.  I don't know what's wrong."

    Suddenly, Rick interrupted.  Glenn had forgotten that he was still standing awkwardly in the doorway; watching silently as the situation unfolded.  "Is there anything I can do to help?" he offered.

    "Yes," Hershel answered.  "Get Bob for me, please.  I'm going to need some more help."

    Rick nodded, then hastily retreated to go find the experienced army medic.  

    Glenn then spoke up.  "Is there anything else that I can do?"  He was scared that Maggie would not survive this.  If Maggie died, Glenn couldn't even picture going on without her.  

    "Just make sure that the baby is ok until Bob get here," Hershel replied. "Keep him warm.  Keep him alive."

    Glenn looked down into his newborn son's eyes.  Glenn wasn't a very religious man - now or before the apocolypse.  But it's funny; even an athiest would be praying in times like these.  And Glenn was praying that Maggie would live to see her son grow up.


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