Chapter 14 - Maggie's POV

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    Maggie looked down into her son's eyes for the first time.  He had a thin layer of fine, whispy hair that was tawny brown - just like her own.  His eyes were dark and sharp like his father's, and even at only a week old, he looked inquisitive and clever.  He was beautiful.  He was perfect.  He was alive.

    He was wrapped up like a burrito in a small baby-blanket, and underneath that, he was wearing a tiny blue shirt that used to belong to Judith, and beneath that, a fresh diaper.  Maggie was definitely not looking forward to having to change him, but she knew that is was just one of the many "perks" of being a mother.  

    Glenn stood awkwardly next to her.  Beth and Carol had vacated the room to give her some space with her new son.  Maggie leaned over and rested her head on Glenn's shoulder.  She felt his tension ease.  

    "So, he doesn't have a name yet..." Glenn casually brought up.  

    Maggie glanced up at him.  "Have you thought of any yet?" 

    Glenn shook his head and sighed.  "No, I wanted to wait and decide with you.  I guess I should have, though..."

    Maggie smiled.  "No, it's alright.  We'll come up with something."  

    There was a short pause.  Suddenly, Maggie had an idea.  "How about Flint?"

    "Flint?" Glenn repeated. 

    Maggie nodded.  "Yeah.  Flint," she murmered.  "He's like the piece of flint that will ignite the spark.  He'll start a fire.  Not just for us, but for this whole group.  I remember how afraid I was when I first found out that I was going to have him, but now, it all makes sense.  We shouldn't be afraid to bring new life into the world, even into this world.  Because in the end, life will win over death.  He is the future.  So are Judith, and Carl, and Lizzie and Mika.  Because instead of giving up, just deciding to quit and let humanity ride off into the sunset and let the universe forget we were here, we need to carry on our memory.  And that way, we'll be able to start over.  The children can help exhume the earth.  Or at least start to try.  This is the start of something new."  

    Glenn reached down and nuzzled their son's chin with his thumb.  He smiled.  "Yeah," he agreed softly.  "I think Flint's a good name."  He then leaned down and kissed Maggie on the forehead.  They both were staring down at Flint.  He was so tiny, so innocent; his mind was like a piece of clay that was waiting to be molded.  Yet he held so much potential.  Maggie could feel it, and she could tell that Glenn could feel it as well.  

    "Flint it is, then."

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