Chapter 3 - Glenn's P.O.V.

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    After about a 20 minute drive, they reached a grocery store that they had made several supply runs to in the past.  Rick had decided not to bring anyone else in place of Maggie; since him, Michonne, Daryl, and Glenn would already be more than enough.  

    Before they entered the building, Daryl knocked on front door with his bow.  They waited for about a minute or so, and then a few walkers came stumbling up to the window on the door like moths to a flame.  They pounded on the glass with their decaying hands and clacked their teeth in a crazed huger-driven rage.  Daryl nodded at Rick, and Rick shot them all; leaving clean bullet-holes in the thick glass.  They waited a little longer to make sure there were no more, and then entered the store.

    "Grab any food or anything else that we might need," Rick urged in a whisper tone. "And make sure to only take what you can carry." 

    Everyone nodded in understanding, then scattered out into all corners of the store.

    Glenn quickly made his way down an aisle.  He snatched any canned goods or other things that might be needed back at the prison and plopped them in his arms.  Just as he had finally grabbed as much as he could hold with enough room so that he could hold his gun safely, he suddenly spotted something out of the corner of his eye that caught his attention.

    A small, tattered baby blanked was lying limp on the dirty tile-floor of the ransacked aisle.  It was covered in tiny prints of cartoon ducklings and little yellow polka-dots.  It looked surprisinly clean and in-tact compared to the rest of its surroundings.  Glenn bent down to pick it up, then hesitated.  He didn't nessesarily believe in signs or omens or anything like that, but he was feeling a little uneasy.  Then again, Judith could probably use it.  Glenn knew Rick would appreciate that.  So he gently picked it up and set it on the top of the rest of the things he had collected.  

    Glenn shuffled back to the door where they had entered from.  The rest of the group was already patiently waiting there.  Then, they left the grocery store and started to make their way back to the prison.

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