Chapter 15

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I woke up the next morning and his arms were still holding me tightly to his. I didn’t want to leave his side, but it was already late, so I slowly moved his arm and got ready. We promised Cassie and Sophie that we would go to the aquarium with them today and they were super excited.

I came back into the room and saw that Harry was up too. He smiled his cute smile as he saw me, stood up and came towards me. I grinned back.

“Morning.” I said and he put his hands on my hips and leaned his forehead against mine. I put my arms around his neck and played with his curls on the back of his head.

“Heey.” He said trying to act seductively. It made me giggle and then he gave me a small soft kiss.

He quickly got ready and we went to the kitchen. His mom was preparing some food since it was already almost noon.

“Good morning you two.” She looked at us and smiled. “You are going to the aquarium now right? Cause then you can just pick some food up on the way, then I don’t have to cook that much for everyone.” She had been very busy cooking since there were so many people there, so we figured it would be fair to give her a small break.

“Sounds good.” Harry said and went to give her a hug. He was too cute.

Then I heard some screams, giggles and loud noises. Cassie and Sophie came running down the stairs and gave me a hug. Even though I barely knew them, they pretended as if we were best friends. They were also very much in love with me. It was adorable.

We were all ready to go, and since there was no snow storm, we walked. The streets were al white and peaceful and it truly was a beautiful day.

Being with Harry and his family made me forget about my messy life and family. I felt like I was re-born, like I was a brand new person. I loved it. I had also gotten used to smaller children. I was always scared around them since I didn’t know how they would react, but I learnt all you have to do is smile and they will love you. 

We finally arrived at the aquarium. Along the way Harry did meet some fans where he took pictures and signed things, but I didn’t let that mind me since I had to take care of the small girls and we both did agree we wanted to stay away from the headlines.

I realized I’d never been in an aquarium before, so in all honesty, I probably had more fun than Cassie or Sophie who screamed every time they saw a new colour fish.

When we finished with the aquarium, we went to the gift shop where Harry bought us all a huge plush dolphin. He really was too cute. His smile was something I could never get enough of.

We went back outside. It was really bright and we all had to adjust our eye-sight until we could finally see what was going on. Outside was a very big crowd of people with cameras, and the moment they noticed Harry, they went insane. Harry was obviously used to it, but Cassie and Sophie got really scared and all the flashes almost blinded us. Quickly we ran back inside.

“I’m really sorry, I didn’t think they would find us here. Can’t they just leave me alone for once?” Harry said. He sounded annoyed and he got out his phone to call his mum to come and pick us up.

For a moment I had forgotten that Harry was actually Harry Styles from One Direction. I went to sat down on a bench and I think I even got a little scared. Did they get any good pictures? What if they found out about me? Would I ruin Harry’s reputation? Was I even good enough for one of the hottest boys in the world?

“She’ll be here in about 10 minutes.” Harry said as he came back putting his phone in his pocket. Cassie and Sophie were confused what was going on, but they decided to just forget about it and have fun with their new toys by the pond. Harry looked over to me and something must have given me away because he sat down next to me and held my hand. “Everything is going to be alright.” He gave me his perfect smile. It made me feel a little better, but I knew these thoughts would probably keep me up at night.

The ten minutes felt like an hour, but finally Harry got a message from his mum to come outside. We just had to get by those men. We called Cassie and Sophie. Harry picked up Cassie and held her in his arms, while I took Sophie by the hand. To not make the girls freak out, Harry was pretending it was an adventure.

“Are you girls ready?” He said, sounding very excited. They both just smiled and nodded. “Let’s goooo!” Harry said, took my hand and pulled us out into the open. He was just too adorable sometimes. There were even more people here than before, and once again, the lights blinded us. We finally reached Harry’s mums car, quickly got in and she drove off.

“Everyone alright?” She asked. We all nodded. “Those people are really insane. Can’t they just leave you alone for once?” She said and kept driving. I loved how alike Harry and his mother were.

We got home and decided to relax. We watched some movies and the girls and I continued on a small dance routine that we were working on for the New Year. I taught them some small easy steps and they loved it so they wanted to make a routine. I must admit, most of the things they invented was rubbish, but I couldn’t deny that they were too cute to say no to.

Today was a very exciting day, and like I said, that night I couldn’t stop thinking about all those questions. I hoped nothing big would come out of this. It was the 27th tomorrow and we flew back on the 3rd of January because rehearsals started again early next year. I didn’t really want to leave this place, but at the same time, I couldn’t wait to go back home and hopefully time would pass fast so I could see my dad again. I missed him so much, but I didn’t like to admit it. I still thought that feelings made you weak, so I hated getting attached, but I guess Harry and his family were an exception.

Dance First, Think Later - Harry Styles Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now