...War is...

4 0 1

What did he mean? I get that we'd probably been moving out of the fence a bit but that wasn't reason enough to not want to continue talking.

        I know that we shouldn't have gotten attached, which we totally did, still...

And Matt? What happened to Matt? In the two years that Luke and I had been mailing ourselves, Matt somehow weaseled his way in. Don't ask me how. Sometimes, it was Matt that wrote, other times it was Luke, other times it was both of them. And I had no problem writing to Matt. I found him funny as well.

     I have lectures to attend in fifteen minutes. When I get back, I was going to write him a long mail.

   A really long mail.


   27 November, 2016

Happy birthday, Luke. Long life and prosperity. Hip hip, hooray.
    I have attached your gift with this letter and sent your  provisions as well.

    Now that that is out of the way... What on earth are you talking about? What's all this about not mailing each other again? Even you know that you do not want to stop the mails. At least, reading the letter, one can see that. I get that we've probably been getting closer than we should've, but... I didn't think it was reason enough to put an end to our letters. We could simply have refrained from getting personal.

   Besides, to me, this letter is about you. I'd only state what you want me to.

         I have no idea why you said that and it really hurt. I'm going to respect your wishes and stop the letters, at least you've got the previous ones.

     I'll continue to send the provisions and the pictures. You don't want to continue. I won't force you. Know this, though, I'm... I'm always here for you, Luke.

    I'm sorry. I've been ranting. Please forgive me.

Stay safe, Luke.




I folded up the letter and enveloped it.  We'd both done the one thing we were advised not to. We'd both gotten attached*¹

      I flopped on my bed and cried.

It was going to be hard for me but I was going to respect his wishes. I was going to keep sending the pictures.

It was for both our goods.

The end...


Phew! Finally people. I hope you enjoyed it. I know, I know I said fifteen chapters and it is only eight chapters.

   Anyway, love to hear from you guys.

Check me other books out.

*¹.  The Adoptaussoldier program is not a dating site. Do not go there in the hopes of finding you a fine piece 'o meat. It's for support. I also advice you to not get too attached to your soldier. My story needs a plot and twists, so there.

    Au revoir


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