His Letter.

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      It had been eight months since I last sent a letter to or received a letter from Luke Winters. I thought he really didn't want to talk with me again and I respected his wishes and forgot about writing back to him.

       Medical studies had become a bit more tedious and I lost myself in school work. I was scared to enter relationships, mainly because I thought every man was going gay now. I didn't want a relationship where I'd later find out that my boyfriend was actually with a man behind my back.

   The thought alone drove me even deeper into my studies and so imagine my surprise when one day, I finally received a letter from Luke Winters.

      I was on my laptop when there was a knock on the door. I jumped up and trudged to the door, swinging it open and hoping the scowling on my face would chase the visitor away.

       When I saw it was the postman,*¹  my scowl worsened and I was only answered with a, "Please sign here."
I snatched the envelope from his outstretched hand and scribbled my name on the board, hoping it'd break in half.  I handed it back and closed my door.

      The familiar stamp on the envelope had me schooling my facial expression into one of... confusion. What could be the problem? Did he want me to stop with the provisions as well? Was he alright? Oh my goodness! What if he was dead? No!

     With trembling hands I tore the envelope open, opened the letter and began to read.


July 28, 2017


Well, this is awkward. It's been a long time since we last talked, and I know that is my fault. I'm sorry.

    For any inconvenience this letter may cause or any hurt I may have caused, please accept my apologies. I would understand if you do not want to continue with the letter writing, seeing as I  was the one to call off the mails.

              I miss your letters. I really do.

Uh, I have a few things I'd like to, you know, write about. Like we usually did. I can still remember the toast bread incident you told me about, and I find myself smiling about it.

       I've even still got the pictures you sent. Each of them, from the ones of nature to those sent just last week. I'm really grateful that you kept the pictures and packages coming. Even after I discouraged you. Thank you, Anjie. It means a lot.

    I, um, found a lady. Here. In Afghanistan. She's a nurse. We've been together for a while now. She'd probably want to meet you, knowing her.

    I've decided to leave the army this year. Perhaps, this December? I think after four years of fighting for my country— which to me, would never be enough— I want to settle down. Not so much marriage, but to try my hands at something else.

     Joining the army may have been an act of rebellion against my family, but I'll forever miss the army. The drills, the war, the lessons, the servitude, the thrill of fighting and not knowing whether or not you're going to die, the feeling of pride and happiness I get when I've saved a life or two? There's absolutely no way I'm going to forget the army, most especially my new found family.

       With my departure from the army, Anjie, I'm dropping out of the program. You'd probably have to find a new soldier to support.

    It probably seems like a goodbye letter... It's not. I was just saying.

     I'd really love to hear from you, Anjie. Please reply, I'd be happy to hear from you.

Luke Winters.


     I stared at the letter in my hand and smiled.

I waa happy for him that he'd gotten a partner to spend the rest of his life with. I waa also happy he was leaving the army, cause I'd have been devastated if he had been badly hurt or killed.

        That he could still remember the toast bread incident, was a shocker to me. I had run out of food and forgotten to buy some foodstuff. I had only four slices of bread at home and had used them to make some toast.

   It didn't help that I was dog–tired. I slept off and awoke to the smell of charred bread. It was either stay hungry or eat poison. I chose the former.

         I laughed at the memory and continued with my work. Later, I was going to write back.



I have no idea how the messages are delivered over there, but the fact that I'm Nigerian and sixteen can't be used as excuse. I am still going to use it, though.😇

   Please keep a flexible and open mind to my book. Somethings may not be permitted. If you know anything about how the army works, please message me.

Thank you.

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