Her Letter

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     I sat on the ground, looking into the distance, thinking about the lessons of war. For something that caused so much destruction, it also taught a lot of lessons. It taught one to appreciate their living conditions which were different from that of a war zone.

      Melanie and I had broken up. The saying, you do not know what you have until you lose it, is true. And not just for the good things but also the bad things.
  Melanie, I had come to know, in the time of our relationship had been promiscuous. I turned a blind eye to it. She'd become even worse now that we were broken up. That wasn't her only flaw. Melanie was borderline possessive. There were a few other things about her that, to me, were just unacceptable.

    I got up and headed towards camp. I had a letter to write and a duffel bag to pack. In a week's time, I was heading home. Now, I'd busy myself with reading and writing letters.

August 8, 2017

Hey, Luke. It's nice to hear from you again. I did miss you, you know? Um, well, like you said, this is awkward.☺.

Well it's nice to hear that you're leaving the army soon. I also think our time writing to each other has been fruitful for me. I did enjoy every letter and picture you sent. I remember, in one of  your letters, you mentioned not having a place to stay. Uh, well, this is probably wrong but I have a place for you, if perhaps you find yourself in need of one. There's a lot of things you never told me, you know?

Perhaps, if fate permits we meet one of these days, you'd tell me about those things. As for me, I'm well and good.

     Goodbye, Luke.


   I folded the letter and tucked it in a file with the other letters. Once I was done with packing, I'd settle down and write. Who knows, I might just take up on her offer.     

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