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I know it's short, it's setting up for the next chapter

Chapter 2: Explanations

Percy (POV)

"Now you know about the story where I ate my kids, they lived in my stomach, Zeus saved them yada yada yada." Kronos said, Percy nodded. "Well that's not true. It began when I got married to Rhea. I loved her she loved me, so we had children. You see when me and Rhea had our children, I actually loved them. I played with them, taught them how to fight, read, I educated them.

"Soon they started to prefer me over Rhea. Rhea being the mother, got jealous. She wanted them to love her, like they loved me. She became overcome by jealousy and formed a plan. One day, Rhea secretly fed me my kids besides Zeus. She told Zeus I had intentionally eaten all his brothers and sisters. I usually kept my scythe locked away, but Rhea unlocked it and told Zeus to get me to retch his siblings and chop me up into pieces.

"Zeus fed me a mixture of mustard and wine, so I regurgitated my kids. Once I figured out what Rhea had done, it was too late. Zeus chopped me up with my own scythe and put my remains in Tartarus. The children in my stomachs knew of Rhea's treachery, so they planned on getting rid of her. But Rhea erased all their good memories of me, and replaced them with bad ones. So they told the story, until it became well known amongst people. People think of me a bad guy because I ate my children. But they do not know the real story.

"Last year when I was reforming. I was overcome by anger and grief. If I won the war, I was going to try and give my children back their memories so they may not hate me anymore. I wanted my children back but you, Perseus, got in the way. I tried getting rid of you. But it never worked, so I ended up getting defeated. And my kids hate me more than ever." Kronos finished.

I looked at him astonished. I never thought that he was framed, and that he really loved his kids. I felt immensely guilty; I was one of the ones who stopped him from getting to his kids.

"So I want revenge on Rhea and to get my kids back, you want revenge on those campers and Olympians. I think we can help each other." Kronos said with a wicked gleam in his eyes. He may have been good once, but their was still a piece of evil in there from being so lost in anger, bitterness and grief all these years.

I smirked evilly; getting revenge would be nice.

But what about my fatal flaw? Well, I'm loyal to whoever is loyal to me.

"I accept."


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