A Plan Worthy of Athena

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Chapter 8: A Plan Worthy of Athena

Annabeth (POV)

I didn't usually like to run away from my problems. But when one of those problems was a supposedly guilty (but most definitely innocent) boyfriend, who was banished to Tartarus for a crime he did not commit, hating my guts as well as everyone else he knew, now coming back looking for revenge with the evil Primordial Tartarus and thought-to-be defeated Kronos, well at this point I was willing to do anything to get away from said problem.

But I won't do it for long, just until I can come up with a good plan to fix everything. That's what children of Athena do. We strategize and fix problems.

I had spent the last year or so moping and grieving and cursing my own name for being and idiot, just wishing I could take it all back. But Percy's back now, and I have a chance to fix things and make it right once more.

Percy might hate me, he might hate me for the rest of my miserable life, but I can't go on without him knowing how sorry I am. So, this is what I thought of so far with the plan to get the original Percy back:

Part 1- Come up with an Athena worthy plan.

Part 2- Act on said plan.

Part 3- Hope that said plan works

Part 4- Celebrate when plan works.

Part 5- (In case part 4 doesn't work) Come up with a backup plan for said plan, and a backup plan for the backup plan, and then a backup plan for the backup plan that's for the first backup plan. (Basically three backup plans)

Alright Annabeth, let's to this

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Alright Annabeth, let's to this. Part 1- Come up with Athena worthy plan.

I sat at my desk and tapped my pencil against my notebook as I thought. Of course a range of ideas floated through my head, but none of them seemed very strategic with a good chance of working. But then something would pop in my head, and I would scribble it down in my notebook, until I rethought about it and decided to wasn't any good and then scribbled over it.

Ugh! People have no idea how hard it is to be smart. Most everyone thinks that I can come up with these things quick as a whip, which was actually sort of true, but they never thought about how much consideration and thinking one must do to come up with a flawless plan. And the weight on ones shoulder when the plan ends up being a total bust.

Sighing in exasperation, I leaned my head back and just looked up at the ceiling, as if a lightning bolt from Zeus would hit me with inspiration. Or maybe a mental beam from my mother. Hey mom! Any ideas?

Naturally, nothing happened, and I was stuck idealess.

It was at this moment Lacy, one of my half-siblings, opened up the cabin calling to me. "Annabeth? Chiron asked me to get you for dinner; our cabin is already down there."

"Alright, coming Lacy." I said, getting up from my seat. She went out, and I hurriedly followed. Maybe a brain break was needed, get some food fuel and THEN maybe a few good ideas might actually hit me. Entering the Pavilion, I was struck with how quiet and eerie it sounded.

There were no loud shouts or laughter, everyone was hunched quietly over their table, and whispers floating around like a soft buzz. Campers kept glancing at the exploded Armory, others would not-so-subtly point to the Big House toward the attic.

By now, everyone knew about Percy's arrival and about his betrayal too. People looked mad, sad, unsure, and puzzled. There was one girl sitting there, staring through the window of the attic, probably trying to get a glance at Percy. What bothered me about this girl was she was the only one making any noise in the entire pavilion. She was humming softly to herself, almost like a lullaby. Carefully listening to her song, I got my food and headed over to my table. I felt people looking at me, examining my face for any kind of emotion. But I remained stoic. Eventually, the girl's humming ceased and the girl got up and left the pavilion. Weird. I thought as I sat down. I resumed my focus for my plan to help Percy.

Sitting down I dug into my meal, even though nothing on my plate seemed very appetizing. I grabbed my cup and whispered "Blue cherry coke." And the fizzy drink immediately filled my cup. I sipped it, and found a small smile replacing my face afterwards.

Percy and his blue food, he always got such a goofy grin on his face when he saw it, his eyes sparkled like ocean waves, and-

And inspiration struck.

I picked up my glass, making sure it was full before walking out of the Pavilion and toward the Big House. People watched me as I walked; Chiron gave me a questioning look and almost got up to talk to me. I gestured for him to stay sitting and mouthed: 'Trust me.'

He had a troubled expression but he, although begrudgingly, stayed seated. I continued up the steps to the porch.

Inside the big house, I climbed the stairs toward the attic. I opened the door quietly, but it still creaked on its hinges. I peaked in and saw Percy standing up by the window. He was resting his head on his arms, which were placed on the window sill. The window was open slightly, a light breeze shuffling inside, rustling his hair. Percy breathed in deeply, before exhaling long and slow, smelling the delicious barbeque outside.

I didn't think he noticed me at first, until he said "Are you going to stand by the door all day, or are you going to tell me what you want?"

He turned around, and his eyes hardened when they fell on me. I shifted on my feet; guilt pummeled me as his eyes seared into my head. "I brought you something to drink." I answered, managing to keep my voice calm.

"Is it poisoned or enchanted?" Percy asked. "I never know who I can trust these days."

I closed my eyes, breathing in deeply like Percy had just done before opening them and answering "No, but I do hope it does you some good."

He didn't say anything back, only gave me a sneer that stabbed my heart. I moved hesitantly forward, setting the glass in front of him. He picked it up, his eyes widening slightly when seeing the fizzy drink.

He stared at it a little, at first I thought he was going to throw it back at me, or just drop on the floor. But I watched with slight satisfaction has he brought it to his lips and drank it down. When he removed the cup from his mouth, I saw a spark pass through him.

For a moment I thought I saw a sad look in his eyes, like he missed the taste of blue cherry coke. This sadness was so hidden, I couldn't be sure if I was imagining it or not. His eyes flared with a mix of emotions and I could only identify a few. Anger, Sadness, Bitterness, Betrayal, but all of that ended when he settled on a single emotion. You wouldn't even notice it if you weren't paying attention. But I was, he had my full attention, all of it fixed on that one emotion in his eyes. Loathing.

But the loathing expression passed, and this new Percy's expression hardened even harder and he stiffly handed the cup back to me. It looked like the expression of a soldier, one that was taught to stay stoic, not show any emotion. But his eyes betrayed him, staying with that bitter loathing. He didn't say anything before returning to his position looking outside the window. And I didn't say anything either, so I left.

Walking back down the stairs I looked down, thinking I had failed. Percy wanted us to think he changed, that he was now a blood-thirsty, revenge seeking warrior who would stop at nothing to get what he desired. But seeing him drink this, I could tell it brought out something hidden inside. The real Percy. The one that hated us all.

And my plan formed. It might not work; it could fail and blow up in my face.

But I was going to bring out the old Percy again; get him to remember all the good times he had here, get him to realize just how sorry we- I am. I was determined let him see that I will try and fix this.

"I'll help you, Percy." I whispered, walking back toward the Pavilion. I had completely forgotten about that humming girl.


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