Let's Talk!

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Chapter 10: Let's Talk!

Percy POV

It was starting to get dreadfully boring up in the attic. Throughout my training with Tartarus I learned many methods of meditation to keep calm and evaluate my situation, but I still have my ADHD. I can't stand being cooped up in a small space forever. But I highly doubted Chiron, or even Mr. D would allow me to stretch my legs outside.

I didn't plan on asking either.

The chains clasped on my wrists and ankles weren't THAT heavy, but they dragged carelessly on the floor behind me as I paced tirelessly through the little space one who is chained up is allowed. I never liked having things drag on me, like chains, or monsters hide (long story), or even monsters bones (another long story) like Kronos had wanted me to. 'It'll make you look cool!' He insisted. Um...no Kronos, no it won't. I will look like a crazy, half-demon demigod with a bad fashion sense.

'Oh you kids these days,' he had replied. 'Only into those 'latest fashions', no originality.' Oh what would he know about fashion? Or originality for that matter? Back in his day people wore loincloths, and dresses and bed sheets (Excuse me-togas) and never heard of a thing called deodorant, the poor shmucks.

Anyway, I tugged subconsciously at the chains. It would be easy to just rip them off, and throw them out the window-maybe they'd hit a camper in the head. But I promised Tartarus (and Kronos) that I'd be good. No maiming, killing, mutilating, or causing mayhem and mass panic. But what did that leave me to do? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

Chiron already took all my weapons (the ones he could find anyway *wink wink*), which included my collection of waters from the Rivers of the Underworld. It would be amusing to practice with those. *sigh* But no, because it was 'bad' for prisoners to have weapons, or dangerous waters from hell that can cause horrible depression, lack of memory, of agonizing pain- so pretty much any means of entertainment. Lame!

I heard someone climbing up toward the attic, and tried to appear more laid-back. But it was SO hard, once with ADHD, always with ADHD. I barely managed to lean against the wall, staring out of the window, before the door opened. It had been a couple days since Jason, Piper, and Leo had visited me, only the occasional wind spirit that would come and give me food before whisking away as fast as possible. I don't blame them either, but still...

But the door opened to reveal Reyna, Hazel, Chris, and *gag* Annabeth. They all smiled at me, Hazel wished me a "Good Morning". Looks like she didn't change much. I didn't return a smile, and simply raised an eyebrow in question at them. "You look bored." Chris pointed out.

"Nice observations, Sherlock." Percy deadpanned, "Next you'll be telling me the sky is blue, or that I'm devilishly handsome. Thank you, but I'm aware." Chris rolled his eyes at me.

They all sat on the ground, a good distance from me, and relaxed. I didn't like it. They seemed too laidback, to relaxed; what were they planning?...surely they expected something out of this visit. But they just...sat there...didn't even talk. Well two could play at that game, I sat down as well, legs crossed, and stared back unimpressed.

It was quiet for a bit, all of us in a tranquil and peaceful atmosphere. Ugh! Say something! Actually, no...don't say anything, I didn't want to talk to them....right. Of course I didn't, I didn't like them obviously. I didn't realize I started tapping my fingers against my leg until Annabeth's eyes flitted down, and she smiled a little wider.

I noticed the finger tapping immediately, and quickly stopped. But that look didn't leave Annabeth, like I just did something she liked. And now I have the sudden urge to take a long, hot shower....in the river of Fire in Tartarus. Finally I couldn't take it any longer, "Is there a reason you guys came up here? Or are you just so intent on staring at me? You guys are creepier than some of the monsters I've seen in Tartarus-and that is saying a LOT."

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