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Song for this chapter:
What Do You Mean? by JB

Rose's POV:
As I sat down my doorbell rang "Every fucking time" I mumbled getting up to answer it. "What's up bae?" Marie asked as she walked in. Oh shit I forgot to cover up my scars. "Um-mm nothing just watching TV?" I said as I turned around and ran quickly to the bathroom. "ROSE ARE YOU OKAY?" Marie said as I could hear her footsteps approaching. "Yea, just gotta...pee" I said softly ad began to cover up my scars with some make-up. "Are you sure?" She asked trying to hold in a laugh. "I'm pretty sure, Marie" I replied, opening the door while smiling at her. "Let's go eat some pizza" I said walking down stairs as she followed behind.

"So, how you been, I know things have been hard with the media and all" She said as we sat around the table and began to eat. I looked down while eating. "Rose?" She asked. "I'm fine" I said still looking down.

"Oh...okay. You know you could talk to me about anything right?" She asked as I nodded still not wanting to look up. " I planned a trip to the Bahamas for you, Jason, Justin and I" she said chewing her food. "Why?" I asked slightly annoyed. "Because, you need a break. You've been getting so much shit from the haters and media." She said.

"I'd rather not go" I said getting up to get a soda. I walked towards her giving her a soda as well before sitting down a drinking mine. She just watched me as I drank my soda and to tell you the truth it was making me uncomfortable. "What?" I asked. "You never say no to the Bahamas. What's up?" She asked setting her drink down. "Nothing, I just wanna stay home... Why would I go out, if the paps will just stay on my ass?" I asked getting mad just thinking about it. "Ignore them" she said as if it was that easy. "Easier said than done" I replied.

"Please just go" Marie begged. "I'll think about it" I conquered as I got up to put my dishes in the sink. "Let's watch a movie" she suggested trying to lighten the mood a bit. I shrugged walking over to the sofa "Which movie?" I asked going through the different movies. "Grown Ups" she suggested. "Grown Ups it is" I said as she sat down next to me as we placed the blanket over us. Marie took out her phone and took a selfie, after posting it on Instagram. I can't even imagine the hate comments coming.

I got up to make some popcorn. "Where you going?" She asked. "Making popcorn" I said walking to the kitchen.
As I was making it, my phone went off.

Call convo:

Jasey 💋😍: Hey baby, how are you? Marie came over to talk about you.

Rose 😘💖: I'm good and oh, she planned some trip to the Bahamas. I don't wanna go.

Jasey 💋😍: Why not? You love the Bahamas.

Rose 😘💖: Paps. I rather just stay home.

Jasey 💋😍: Baby, you can't just stay at home, you gotta get out. You're going and that's final. Gtg, love you.

Rose 😘💖: Whatever, love you too.

End of convo

As I got the popcorn out, I walked into the hall and sat next to Marie. We ate popcorn until about 10 until I looked around and saw Marie sleeping.

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