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Song for this chapter: Crazy in Love (50 Shades of Grey Version by Sofia Karlberg)

"She thought drugs could help, that lies could cover up fate. One by one she swallowed the pills, one by one her fear will heard."


Rose's POV:

I sat around my kitchen table trying to cope with everything that's been happening lately. See thing is I know Marie isn't dead, I just need proof. No, I didn't go to the funeral, I couldn't handle the thought of knowing that the person I grew up with would be gone but recently stuff have been happening. I was at the supermarket the other day and saw someone that looked like Marie it if sounded like her, difference is this chick had green hair and was a lot more lively and healthier than the last time I saw Marie.

It may sound crazy but I've been waking up to whispers in my house at night and not to mention the weird phone calls, at first I ignored but then the person left voicemails, very creepy voicemails. Not to mention that some of my things are starting to go missing. As I continued to think, my phone rang causing me to scream. "I have got to stop being so paranoid" I mumbled as I held my chest before answer Scooter. "Hey, don't forget you have a meet up and 10 tomorrow" Scooter said at the other end of the phone "O-okay I won't" I said stuttering a bit which caught Scooter's attention "You okay, kiddo? You sound off." He asked as I froze at the sight that was infront. A man stood outside my window, with a stare that could kill. "Rose?" Scooter called out once again. "I-I'm fine" I said as I looked at the man that still had his gaze set on me. "I gotta go, see you tomorrow" I said sounding more confident. "Okay, see you" he said as he then hung up. I out down the phone contemplating my next move. when the person ran off and got into a black car that sped off. I sat in shock for about a minute before getting up, grabbing my purse and driving off.

Marie's house, why didn't I think of this sooner, a lot of creeping things have been happening lately and I need information, I pulled into the driveway and got out. Next thing I knew I was infront of the door, I haven't visited this place since her "overdose". I opened the door and twisted the knob slowly walking in. Everything still left in place. I started walking around and glanced at the pictures of us on the wall, we were so happy. I still blame myself for what happened, and there isn't a day that went by that I didn't talk to my sister. I continued to walk around until I went in the kitchen and saw dishes in the sink. I walked into the kitchen and noticed Marie's laptop on the table which is weird because none of those stuff belongs there.

I then made my way up the stairs, I could still smell her perfume. Turning the knob, I walked in and started my search. Everything seem to be normal until an orange bottle stood right on the drawer.

She's alive.

She thought drugs could help, that lies could cover up fate. One by one she swallowed the pills, one by one her fear will heard."

Love ya. -Rose

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