The Dimensional Protector Intro...

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After the battle was over I decided to go to another dimension.

It's hard to leave but I know this dimension is safe. I must leave before i get attached.

Okay... so you may be confused...

Let me introduce myself, my name is Mika Hara.

In the past i fought and defeated this demon.

Which of course with my luck happened to be the god of all demons. Once I killed him a male showed up telling me that i am now a dimensional protector.

A dimensional protector is someone that goes to different dimensions and protects the story within them. Now I know that sounds weird but it's true every dimension has a story. You can change it and protect it but our main purpose is to make sure everyone has a happy ending. Well everyone that deserves it of course.

Okay well the introductions are almost over. So let me tell you what i look like. My likes and dislikes. Stuff like that.

Name: Mika Hara


Hair color:Black

Hair length:Mid back

Eye color:Blue



Black and white shirt

Black leggings

Red combat boots

Black leather jacket

(the outfit is the picture above)


Sweets,Black and White, video games, art, music,

danger, going on adventures.


Pink, interruptions, sour stuff, being woken up, obnoxiousness, lier's, getting told what to do, being talked down to, being treated like a kid.


Brave, quiet, bored, observer, introvert, sarcastic.


Rag Doll: The ability to control my opponents movements.

Bloody shadow: The ability to hide in the shadow and whoever steps inside my shadow dies.(Can only use it every 2 hours.)

Red Rage:When I get really mad. Just looking at you will make your insides explode.(After this I pass out)

I am a master with a sword and at Nen.

Okay so that's about it...I feel like I'm forgetting something...

oh yeah i almost forgot!

When I became a dimensional protector I became invincible....

The Dimensional Protector (HunterxHunter)Where stories live. Discover now