Chapter 6

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{They won't stop following me!!!) I'm walking around the blimp while leorio and Kurapika sleep and killua, Gon won't leave me alone....It would be different if they were trying to talk to me but they are just walking behind me trying to be sneaky spies FOR THE PAST HOUR AND A HALF!!! (So creepyyyy!!!!) I decided to scary them so I made the lights on the blimp flicker then I teleported right behind them (wanna stalk me for two hours? MWHAHAHAHA!!)

(Gon)"Where did she go?"

(Killua)" I don't know she was right there!!!"

(M)" BOO!!!!"


(Killua)" HEY!!"

Killua jumped onto the ceiling freaked out. Gon was curled up on the floor under the floating bar next to the window. I couldn't help but laugh at it. I took my phone out and took a picture. (Now this is fun!) {Hey they have phone in this dimension too. Plus my phone is my baby anyways carry on}

(M)" Hahahahaha!!!"

I started laughing but soon stopped after I realized I let emotions out. The boys were surprised they didn't hear me laugh much I was usually quiet unless it was important. They just stared at me astonished.

(M)" Spikey and floof ball what are you looking at?"

(Gon)" You laughed..."

(Killua)" I didn't think it was possible for her to laugh!"

(M)" Oh I'm so hurt....NOT! Now stop being stalkers go play."

(Gon)" But we want to hang out with you..please?"

(M)" No."

{Sorry I think you get who the letters are for so a little less work for my fingers haha...}

(G)" pleaseee!!!"

(M)"No. No way. Not a chance."

(K+G)" Pleaseeeeeeeeeee!!!!"

(M)" Fine just stop screaming...*sigh*"


(M)"yayyyy I'm so excited....(sarcasm intended)"

Now we are all sitting down at the floating bar. I'm looking out the window while the boys are telling each other their pasts and their family. I'm listening and it turns out that killua is part of an assassin family and Gon is looking for his dad who's a hunter. (Good luck to them.)

(G)"Hey Mika why are you taking the exam?"

(M)" ....I just felt like it"

(K)"Cool. what's your family like?"

(M)" I don't have one"

Before they had time to reply I sensed the Chairman's presence and decided to get up and walk past him then teleport behind him. He honestly didn't know where I was and I made sure to conceal my presence. I smirked.

(M)"Chairman whatcha up to?"

I swear he jumped 20 feet in the air and 12 feet away. You could see he didn't expect that. I smirked and gave him a evil close eyed smile. (Acting all innocent is always a little creepy right?)

(C)" How did you?"


(C)"*cough* anyways I have a proposal for you three."

(G)" Awesome!"

(K)" Tell me."

(M)" Shoot." *smirks*

(This should be interesting...) He looks at us and says something none of us expected...

(C)"Whoever wins this game against me will become a hunter right now.."


(M)" Ok lets do this.."

{I do NOT own Hunter x Hunter or any of the characters except Mika Hara.}

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