Chapter 4

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(???)"Welcome to the second phase!"

We all walked in and saw two people and a lot of cooking stations. (I know I'm here to keep their story on track but come on.... I have to cook now? This is just getting better and better..)

There was a woman with like 20,000 blue pigtails coming off of her head. The other person was a ginormous man that was a giant compared to me!

When we all entered I stayed on the outside. I wasn't going to get caught up in their arguing. I have more important matters to attend to. I look over and the group and it's my job to protect them and stuff. (This is going to be a lot harder than I thought isn't it...)

Anyways it seems the woman's name is Menchi and the guy is Buhhara or something. The guy wants us to make pork. I ran out of the ginormous walls they were in and went into the woods to find the pig. I was kinda confused as to what I was looking at. These pigs were big and everyone was throwing stuff at them and punching them. This made me kinda sad. I'm a huge animal person. I walked up to one and hit it on the head. It fell lifeless on the ground.

(M)"Thank you my friend."

(M)"Guys the forehead is the weak spot!!"

(G)"Thanks Mika!"

I nodded and picked the pig up and ran back to my station to start cooking. When I got to my station I decided that it would take to long and probably wouldn't be fully cooked all the way through if I cooked it whole. So I sliced the meat off of the pig and let it marinate and grilled the pork. I brought it up and the guy said I passed.

When everyone was finished and everyone passed the first round. Menchi said her round would be sushi. Fish I thought. When she was done talking I went to the stream and looked for fish. I caught a fish and ran back to start preparing. I had to cook a lot at home. {Oh I forgot to tell you. I live with the other Dimensional Protectors and none of them can cook. I hope they're doing ok.}

I got to my station filleting my fish and preparing the rice. Once I was done and the sushi was all seasoned and tasty. I walked up to Menchi kind of worried. (I have to pass this test so I can keep watch over them.) I set it down in front of her. Menchi stared at it. Inspecting the sushi (Like I did something to it [sarcasm implied]).

Menchi took a bite and smiled.

(Menchi)"You pass!"


I turned around and saw a shadow disappear when I looked at it.


[I do not own HunterxHunter]

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