Chapter Fifteen- Passing Days

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The rest of the day, and the week for that matter, passed in a constant blur. Tennillius's election of Theronin went unopposed, leaving the patrol heavily in Caeros's hands. With this knowledge in mind Godric's days flew by in a daze. Ennor, Thain, and Sarah did their best to support Godric and Mira from the background workings of the city, but nothing could dissuade the dark feelings that had settled in his heart.

Thankfully the pleasure of Mira, and ever increasingly Aeis's, company was the only comfort to him. As days passed, however, even this simple pleasure slipped away. More and more time did the two spend together, feeding the ever-growing resentment Godric felt toward the other boy. To his immense regret, his time seemed to flow through his hands faster than water, despite his struggles to make the most of it.

Every morning he was either greeted by Bor or met the drowsy dwarf at the taverns for breakfast. This meager meal was abruptly followed by hours of treacherous sword practice with Theronin where he would be hammered harder than metal on an anvil. By the end of three weeks his body had adapted to the fierce conditions until his arms had grown thick and muscular, his chest powerful and toned, and his legs nimble and firm. Unfortunately, Theronin's disdain only increased with Godric's proportionally increasing abilities. In time Godric even managed to land several blows on the young lord, but this did little in improving his attitude.

Naevir continued to supply a stream of knowledge that Mira anxiously devoured. Her understanding of the surrounding lands, politics, and major figures of the city grew daily until she became renown in the city for her discussions and debates with fellow scholars. She continued to nervously pursue the topic of the Orshi in secret, but little information could be discovered on it even in the bounty of books that filled the immense library. Her fearfulness grew daily, though she restrained it successfully, particularly in the company of Aeis, who was her primary companion. Mira's eyes sparkled in his presence, her laugh at its fullest when talking to him. Not that she spent all her time in his company, however. She did her best to pitch in with the daily duties done by other young women such as cooking, sewing, and washing.

Aeis remained as kind and understanding as ever, though this made Godric dislike him even more for some reason. The very fact that there was no reason for Godric to resent him only caused him to that much more. Going on watch for long stretches every couple days, there was not much opportunity for social time with the boy. He remained Godric's only friend, in a loose sense of the word, from the city.  Occasionally they would spar in the Arena at night, which provided a mutually comfortable outlet to release Godric's frustration.

It was on one such occasion that Godric noticed more excitement than usual on his night-walk to the Arena. As he wandered through Rae-Orion he noticed men, women, and dwarves placing candles of every height and size along the edges of the landing and staircases. He tried asking one of them what they were doing, but the man just grumbled and shrugged him off.

Making his way into the Arena, Godric gave Aeis, who was already waiting, an acknowledging nod. For the most part, the vast training ground was empty, save a pair of men who stood talking on the edge of the Arena and the few guards that lumbered about.

The other boy stepped down from the sparing rink, slashing the wooden training sword he carried absentmindedly through the air.

"Hey Godric. I trust all is well?"

Godric shrugged, drawing an identical mock sword from the rack. "Fair enough, I suppose. And you?"

Aeis grinned. "Quite well, thank you."

The two boys struck up positions across from one-another and paced slowly, circling each other. Rarely did they converse before their bouts and today was no exception.

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