Chapter 42

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Rachel P.O.V
*Rachel OOTD*

After incident yesterday, Nicole told me that all Adam wanted to do was he just want explain to me about all of the things that happened in the bar these past day

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After incident yesterday, Nicole told me that all Adam wanted to do was he just want explain to me about all of the things that happened in the bar these past day. Nicole told me to meet Adam today in the afternoon at the park. I went downstairs but before i go, my mom shouted my name,

"Rae, honey.. wait a second."

"What is it, mom?"

"Honey.. tomorrow we're gonna have our family dinner at 5 so don't come home late, okay??"

"Okay.. with who? Just 5 of us or there gonna be Sarah and Vivian?"

"The whole family will come honey.."

"So that's mean that Sarah will be there too."

"That's correct."

"Awww mom.. I'm to lazy to be there tomorrow."

"No complain, honey.. You need to come, they are still your family, understand?"

"Okay then, bye mom."

"Bye.. honey"

Then i went out. Now i'm on my way to the park.

*At the park*

I see Adam already sit at the park bench waiting for me. So I come to his direction.


"So you come...??"


"Listen.. i just want to explain you about the other day that you see me at the club.... Look, i just being so drunk that day so i just kissed my best friend that i thought it was you...."


"Yeah.. so can you forgive me??"

"Before i forgive you, who is that girl. Can i know at least her name?"

"Her name is Sarah Wilkinson."

"Really? That bitch!!! How can you kiss my cousin??"

"I'm sorry, okay?? She's my best friend and i didn't know that she was your cousin...."

"Okay.. i forgive you..."

"Thanks.. so we getting back together. Aren't we?"

"About that... i don't think so..."

"Wait.. why.....???"

"First, you kiss my cousin that i really hate. Second, i think i'm in love with another person when you left me..."

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