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"Jeongguk-ah!" Seokjin greeted his younger when he noticed him enter the bar. "I didn't expect to see you here now that you're officially going steady." He laughed while handing Jeongguk his usual sprite with a lime. "I guess for tradition's sake; however, this time you're cutting out the part where you get a new girlfriend."

It was only then that he noticed his youngest friend collapse on the bar counter.

"Oi! Jeongguk-ah," Seokjin slapped his friend and finally saw his bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks. "What the hell happened to you?"

"She," Jeongguk hesitated. "Dumped me. I was played. I was just a game to her."

He laughed dryly while taking a swig of his soda, as if it were alcohol. Jeongguk knew that his longtime hyung would never give him a real drink, even though he sat in a bar and had been drinking age for a few months already. "I'm just like all those poor girls who had the misfortune of finding themselves here on the last day of the year and even worse luck of meeting me."

"Oh Jeongguk," Seokjin stepped away from the bar counted and came to give his friend a very necessary hug. "It'll be okay; you'll find someone new; you always do. And besides, girls are practically throwing themselves at you right now."

The younger turned to see that his hyung was right. Girls were eyeing him like a hawk. Jungkook felt disgust wash over him.

"Anyway, I'm proud of you. You managed to come out here and not completely wreck yourself. I mean, I wonder what kind of hell that guy went through," Seokjin gestured to the man perched four stools away from them.

Seokjin been right; the guy was a mess. He was hunched over the bar counter, his makeup smudged eyes closed, probably unconcious. For some ungodly reason, his hair was also dyed an unimaginable shade of yellow? Orange? Jeongguk wasn't quite sure, but it was certainly unexpected.

Seokjin suddenly glanced at the clock and his eyes widened.

"Sorry, Jeongguk," he muttered before climbing the bar counter and screaming at his customers. "Yo, it's almost ten! I posted a notice that I'd be closing early tonight! Get out! All of you!"

As the customers began to exit the bar's premises, some grumbling, Jeongguk raised an eyebrow.

"Do you have plans or something?"

"I'm meeting up with an old friend of mine," Seokjin explained while hurriedly scrubbing the bar counter before stopping and staring at his younger friend. "I mean, you're welcome to come if you have no where else to be..."

Jeongguk had known his hyung since he'd been six years old; he felt as though could read him pretty well by now, and his eyes screamed that he really didn't want the younger to tag along.

"Uh that's alright," Jeongguk said as Seokjin's face brightened considerably. "But hyung, do you mind if I stay here tonight?"

Seokjin nodded and continued scrubbing before reaching the guy they'd mentioned earlier. The elder groaned and face palmed.

"I can't just leave this guy out here; oh god. It's already 10:15!"

"Um," Jeongguk wanted to help. Seokjin had done so much for him, and he seemed pretty desperate to leave. "Do you want me to take him to the back? I can watch him if you think it's necessary."

Seokjin smiled and grabbed Jeongguk's shoulders.

"Would you really? Thank the lord; bless you, Jeon Jeongguk. Don't worry about the mess here, I'll deal with it later. Wait! You have a key right? There's food in the kitchen; I'll be going now. Thanks for this!"

How to Survive New Year's Eve | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now