three; 160110

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It had officially been a week since Jeongguk and Taehyung had exchanged phone numbers, and the ladder was dying. He wasn't going to break first. He just wasn't. But if this held up for too much longer, it would just become more and more awkward when he finally decided to use the number he'd been so adamant about getting.

Taehyung picked up his phone, ready to type in the number of his savior but his hands had another idea in mind, instead typing in the number of his best friend and pressing call.

"It's past three in the morning Taehyung what the fuck do you want?" Yoongi growled into the phone.

"Why are you always the one picking up Jimin's phone?"

"Why are you always calling him at times when he's busy?"



"If you guys are having sex right now, just forget about this."

He was about to hang up before hearing a scream from the end.

"Wait Taehyung sorry! Yoongi took my phone before I could stop him. I think he was just mad because it's so early and he was trying to sleep!"

"Stop your goddamn yelling, Jimin!" Taehyung heard Yoongi scold. "If you're really insisting on talking to him right now then go to the other room or something."

"Alright, alright." Some shuffling was heard. "What did you need Tae? I know you wouldn't call this early unless it was something important."

"I mean, I don't know," Taehyung began. "We exchanged numbers. They won't do anything! Not even a text or anything. I just dont know—"

"Wait wait wait. Does Kim Taehyung have a crush?" Taehyung could practically hear Jimin grinning from the other end.

"What? Of course not!" Taehyung began to feel flustered and a bright blush crept up onto his face. "I just, I don't know what to do! It's been a week now and besides, he's a guy! How could I have a crush on a guy? I'm not gay!"

"Yeah, yeah. Your whole, 'I have nothing against homosexuals but I'm completely straight' thing again. Have you considered contacting him first?"

"No. I can't do that. I refuse."

"Tae, you're just being stubborn. How well do you know the guy anyway?"

"Um, I met him twice?"

"Then have you ever thought that maybe he's just not interested in talking to someone he's only met twice? And if that's the case, then that maybe he won't ever contact you?"

Jimin heard silence, so he could only assume his tactics were working.

"And maybe he's just waiting for you to contact him first? Either way, you need to stop being such a stuck up idiot waiting for things to come to you. Just suck it up and contact him. But if I were to give you a tip, wait until at least 10. Who knows how pissed he'd get if you woke him at this hour."

With that, Jimin hung up.

Taehyung sighed for what felt like the bazillionth time that week and slapped his face with both hands. Jimin was right. He had to suck it up. But now that he'd convinced himself to reach out first, how was he going to wait another six hours for it to be a reasonable call time?

He spent a few minutes glaring at his phone when it suddenly began to buzz, startline the poor man into almost dropping it.

"Uh- um, hello?" Taehyung spoke cautiously.

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