Chapter 9

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A/N sorry I haven't been posting so frequently, I've been quite busy with my school work and I haven't been in the best mood for the past couple of days. Thank you for understanding.


Dan and I had just finished the video. I told him that I would edit it before school started. Dan and I also agreed that we should start college back up, we both gave up at some point...anyways, school starts on August 18th. We were both going to the same college, but it was a private school. Which meant, we both had to wear uniforms. To be totally honest and blunt, I don't mind wearing uniforms. I've always thought they'd be better than picking out your own clothes, sure going to a public school would let you pick your own clothes and show your style or whatever, but it was so hard for me to pick something out that I thought was, how should I say it...? "In style", as other people would say. I was also quite nervous about going back to school...I've never been a big fan of making friends or anything...not really until I met Dan and Phil...but I'm still not the most comfortable around them...I feel bad as well. Every time I start going to school, I just...shut everyone out. I don't know why, it's just second nature to me. I focus more on my studys and shut everything out. I don't care about anybody else, I just want my work done and get the most money I can to pay the debt that I still have from the last time I went to college. Sure, youtube helped me with my money troubles, but I still had my own bills to pay for my apartment and food. I also found that getting along with people at school is quite hard. It seems that everyone betrays their so called, "friends" so easily. Everyone who surrounded me called me their friend, but once they got bored...they just left. They didn't consider my feelings. They even bullied me right after. I feel that Dan and Phil would do that, but then again, it might only be because they have this "big" reputation to keep up. And if they wanted to keep it up and stay growing, they would have to be nice to everyone.


I had woken up. It was August 18th, the day I dreaded most. I got up and got the newly bought uniform that was still in the box, and put it on.

 I got up and got the newly bought uniform that was still in the box, and put it on

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(A/N use anyone you'd like.) I then put my hair into a (insert hairstyle here). I thought I looked quite nice. I then put on my socks and shoes and headed to my kitchen for some breakfast. I usually wasn't hungry this early in the morning, if I ever ate something it made me feel sick in the morning, so I decided to eat a banana. I got my bag which was filled to the brim with everything I needed for school.
I did all the hygienic stuff I needed to do to smell good and be fresh and clean. I grabbed everything and went out my door. Of course, I went into my car because that's like, the only way to get to my college here. I was on my way.

               End of Chapter 9

(A/N I'm sorry this was so late and was short, I had started school 2 weeks ago and have been quite busy trying to get myself sorted out with friends and schoolwork. I hope you all understand, and thank you.)

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