Chapter 10

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(A/N yes I'm finally updating are yall proud)


Today I'm going to college, I'm a freshman in college and I'm working to go to Google. Yes, I know I'm youtuber but if that doesn't work I have to have another job. Anyways, I've gotten my uniform on and I'm driving to my school. I stopped by at a local starbucks that was by my house and decided to get a caramel mocha. (Forgive me for I do not know coffee names). That was when I had gotten a text message from Dan.

From Dan 💕 at 7:32 am-
Goodmorning (Y/N)

You replied at 7:33 am-
Goodmorning Dan.

From Dan💕 at 7:33 am-
Do you mind driving me to school please :)

You replied at 7:34 am-
Sure, do u want any coffee from SB?

From Dan💕 at 7:36 am-
Ofc! Get me whatever ur getting :)

You replied at 7:36 am-
Ok, I'll be there soon :) x

You went up to the counter one more time for another caramel mocha and drove back to Dan's flat. You knocked softly on Dan's door at first. No answer. You knocked on it again just a little bit harder. He answered the door and smiled softly at you. "I appreciate you." He said jokingly and chuckled a little bit. He took the coffee and you both hopped into your car and headed to the college. 

[Timeskip to during your day of college]

You were walking through campus to your next building, you were taking an engineering class, for you wanted to be an engineer as well as some sort of athlete. You wanted to keep your mind sharp, but also stay fit at the same time. You thought that golf might be a good idea, for you needed to do a bit of angles, think about how accurate your shot was, you also needed to find out how hard of a swing you needed to put into your shot, and finally, you had to figure out what kind of club to use for that one shot. So, of course, golf seemed like a great choice for someone like you and for your standards. You were just walking outside, when you finally found Dan! You decided to yell for him so you both could talk before the next bell rings, each bell had 20 minutes for in between classes, for you had a big school that you attended. College is not like high school, junior high, or primary, for it had different buildings, all over the place, and they were huge. So at least they let you have 20 minutes in between classes. You were thankful. After all of this thinking you finally decided to actually call out Dan's name. "DANIEL JAMES HOWELL." you yelled. He looked over at you and smiled. He seemed to be happy to see you, which you completely pushed out of the way to not get your hopes up, he was only a friend, nothing else. His fans would hate you, at least, that's what you thought. You always cared about what other people thought rather than you did yourself. Doesn't matter anyways, you're just going to keep going with your own life. Your own depressing life where all you did was bring yourself down. Maybe Dan could change that for you. Maybe Dan could help you stop being so insane. Maybe. Just, maybe. While you were spaced out and contemplating your whole entire existence, Dan some how managed to walk up to you and just be standing there staring at you. You looked up realizing that he was there, and a dust of blush blew across your face. Dan noticed, chuckling at your some how "cuteness" to him. You didn't know this, but Dan some how managed to actually handle you AND like you. You wished and just wished  that he would actually would like you, even though he did. You're just beating up yourself. Stop that. It's not good. You kept thinking these "depressing" thoughts to yourself and continued to space off. "Earth to (Y/N)? Helloooooo" Dan said trying to capture attention while waving his hand to over your face. "Oh. Sorry, I was dozed off. But, hey. What's up? What class you going to?" you asked trying to make sure he didn't ask any questions about you or why you were "dozing off." "Well, I was just heading off to my next drama class. What about you?" he asked you, while smiling that beautiful smile of his. You kept admiring every feature of him, while he, you. He was absolutely perfect to you. You didn't know why you felt this way about him, what was it that you liked so much about him? Was it those dimples? His always shining brown eyes? His cute emo fringe? His cute little British accent? If it wasn't any of those, what else could it be? His charming way of walking. His some how cute way of trying to explain things, but completely failing because he was too socially awkward to correlate anything properly in front of anyone? (You thought that was even cute, some how.) (A/N no, i am not trying to make fun of Dan, calm down please.) "(Y/N), you're spacing out again. What's wrong?" Dan asked you getting your attention again. Dang it. Why did you always doze off around him. Ugh. Whatever. "Oh, sorry, and well, uh...nothing is wrong. Just keep thinking about what I have to do in class. OH YEAH, forgot that you asked me where I was going to next, sorry. Well, I was about to go to my engineering class." You answered quickly trying to brush off any worries he had for you. Even though, he was genuinely worried about you right now. He could tell something was off from your normal happy self. "That's not right. There's something wrong and I know it, you know it, we both know it (Y/N). Stop trying to keep it a secret. Just tell me. What's wrong? You don't have to hide anything from me, you know you don't need to. Please, I want to help you (Y/N)." He begged you, pouting and giving you an apologetic face. You hated it when people worried about you. You felt it was all just fake. Nothing they said or "wanted" was real. You decided to still not tell him. We'll just see how far he'll go with this "worrying" thing. 

  End of Chapter 10

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Oct 07, 2016 ⏰

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