Chapter 22:

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Peter's POV:

The pain runs through me. "Karma's a bitch!" he says to me. He cuts down my side. He didn't take my hand. "This is for cutting me 5 years ago!" he says. I remember that. We got into a fight and I cut right down his right side. He ran home like a baby. Now he's paying me back. Tink flies in when he's done.

She flys to my ear and tells me what happened. My heart stops and tears fall. "What did she say?" he asks me. I look at him. "Zafina's cell is flooding. But she has asked for a knife to kill herself with." I say. Saying the words make my heart feel worse. Everyone is shocked.

"Well bring this to her." he says holding my knife. "No not my knife!" I say getting up but I'm thrown back on the ground by the pirates! "Here take this to her!" Milo says to Tink. She backs away shaking her head no. "Do it or I will kill Peter!" he says. Slowly she moves to take it. "No!" I say crying.

She takes and flys away much slower then she usually does. Milo comes over to me. He leans down. "How does it feel?" he asks evil smiling. I glare at him. The pirates are only holding my arms. I kick him right in the face and head butt one of the pirates with the back of my head then get up and punch the other.

I get my sword and hold it to Milo's throat. The boys are now holding the pirates back. I smile down at him. "Please don't kill me. We can all just walk away!" he says. "And what about tomorrow and everyday after that?" I ask. "We can live in peace." he says. "You know that will never happen." I say.

"Okay. I will let you go and take Zafina and we will leave you alone till we need to fight again." he says. "But you will leave Zafina alone forever!" I say. "Yes of coarse." he says. As much as I shouldn't believe him and let him go I do because I want to go see Zafina!

I pull the sword back. "Take me to Zafina!" I say. "Of coarse. Crew go home! And stay there!" Milo says. They all leave and Milo walks away. I follow and the boys follow as well. "Start running!" I say to Milo. He does and we all run after. I ignore the pain from the cut. Please don't be to late! Please don't be to late!

Zafina's POV:

The water level is up to my waist! I didn't think rain could cause this much water already but I am in Neverland I guess anything can happen. I swim around. Ah nice bath before I die. Tink needs to hurry though! Minutes go by and the water level goes to the bottom of the window which in my chest. I don't want to drown! Tink where are you?!

A little while later the water if half way up the window over my head. The water is coming in so fast it doesn't matter that it's also going out the window! I hold on to the bars to keep me up. I look out the window for Tink. I see someone coming this way. It's to big for Tink. It comes closer. There's more then one person! I slip and go underwater but shoot right back up.

It's Milo and others I can't see. Oh great maybe I should just pretend to be dead. Good idea! I hide from the window until he's not to far away. I let all my breath out and go underwater. I sink to the bottoms and see Milo run to the window. I still can't see who the others are.

Peter's POV:

We run and run. We come to an empty feild. "How much longer?" I ask. "Not to long." Milo says. He better be showing us the right way or I swear I will kill him! We run and I see it! I see the cell! It's in the middle of know where! I'm so scared if she dead...I just...I can't see her dead. We run and get to the cell.

"Can you look first?" I ask Milo. "Sure." he says. See we can get along when needed. He looks and I watch him. "I can't see her." he says. I look and the boys look at well. I search all over in the water. I step back and kick at the bar. "It will be easier to break the ceiling. Really." Milo says. I do that and I start to make a small hole. The boys help and the hole gets bigger. Pieces of the ceiling fall in the cell. I hope none of them hit her!

Zafina's POV:

Milo steps back and I see the blonde hair. Oh my gosh it's not! The blonde moves back and kicks at the bar then something happens and they all go away. I push at the bottom and go to the surface. I take a deep breath and look out the window but no one is there.

Shit imagining again! I hear banging and see pieces of the ceiling falling in. I have my back in against the window and someone pushes me under. I come back up and Milo is at the window.

"Die bitch!" he says grabbing my hair and holding me under. I scratch at his hand and try to pull away but can't. Everything starts going black. His hand leaves my head and I'm not really sure what is happening. This must be the end. I see Peter. Yup this is defiantly the end. I close my eyes and let it happen.

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