Chapter 88:

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Peter's POV:

What the fuck is that guy doing at their place?! And in her room?!?! "I can't take it anymore!" he says angrily walking back and forth. "Can't take what?" Zafina asks closing her door. "That...that SLUT out there!" he yells. "I'm sorry I don't usually talk about people this way and I know she's your best friend but...Ugh!"

He sits down on the edge of the window and cover his hands with his face. Oh brother. She looks at he camera and pretends to shoot herself. I laugh. She moves closer to him and says: "Well I-" "I wish you never told me about Ricky! Now every time I see her messing with my bros head!

I just wanna...WANNA...I DON'T KNOW!" he yells. "Well uh..I'm sorry..." Zafina says. She's slowly moving away from him. If he touches her! I swear I'll kill him! "We're spending the night!" he says is disgust. "Uh well I can make you up a bed in the living room. I'm pretty sure it's a pull out couch and with this place I bet it will be comfy!" she says trying to calm him down.

"That's not the point!" he yells standing up. "I'm sorry I have to break that promise. If she doesn't tell him by tomorrow I'm telling him!" he yells. "I understand." she says. "Gosh! Why can't all girls be loyal like you when they have a boyfriend?!" he asks loudly.

"I-" "Like why would she want to mess with Ty like that?!" he yells cutting her off. "I'm not sure...she's never been the type to cheat." Zafina says. "Well she is now!" he yells closer to her. I feel boiling in my stomach. She shrugs her shoulders. "I'll go make a bed for you and Tyler." she says begging to walk out.

"Don't bother for him he's probably going to sleep with her!" he says pissed. "Ha no we share the same bed and it's mine if she wants to sleep with him." she says. "Then where do I sleep?" he asks. Not with her! "Uh...the party room has some couches." she says. "Alright." he shrugs.

She turns to walk out but he turns her around and hugs her. Fucking prick! She awkwardly pats his back. A few moments pass by. He has his face into her neck. She clears her throat. Few more moment. "Alright." she says and pushed him off a little. Few more moments. She awkwardly laughs. "Okay! Hugging time is over!" she says getting annoyed.

"Jeff!" she says loudly pushing him. "DUDE GET THE FUCK OFF HER!!" I yell. He lets go of her and looks around. "Who said that?!" he asks. "The voice of God!" I say loudly. "No way." he says. "I am. I know for a fact you have a small penis and that you better keep it in your pants or I will kill you!" I say.

His face gets serious and turns red. I hear Zafina laugh. I look at her and she covering her face trying not to laugh. "Seriously who is that?" he asks her. She looks at him whipping tears away. "God apparently." she says laughing. He looks around. "Oh I see!" he says walking toward the camera.

Damn it! "Is this your boyfriend?" he asks her. "Ye-" "You can just ask me, ya know?" I say cutting her off. "Well are you?" he asks. "What do you think?" I ask him pissed off. "So you're Peter." he says like he's heard so much about me. "So you're Jeff." I say in disgust. Even though...he's way better looking than me...

"Alright! Well Peter I'll be right back and Jeff follow me." she says and takes her phone and puts it back then grabs Jeff's arm and leaves. I hate that guy! A few minutes later they both come back in. They sit on the bed with their eyes wide open. "That's an imagine I'll never get out of my head..." Jeff says. Zafina nods.

"Poor Tyler." she says. "What happened??" I ask. They look at each other. "You tell him and I'll go grab stuff for you to sleep on." she says. She goes off camera and comes back on with headphones in. She walks out. This is awkward. "So what happened?" I ask. "Uh..." he says snapping out of it. He looks at the camera.

"Storm and Tyler were fucking in the pool." he says. "That's not that bad." I lie. Ricky! "Well they a weird position..." he says. "Like?" I ask. "Just a weird position that's all I'm gonna say. Trust me you don't want the imagines in your head." he says. True. "So you like my girl, huh?" I ask. "Yup. So you're dating my girl, huh?" he asks.

I snort. "She's my girl!" I say with sass. "Well who's with her right now about to sleep on her floor?" he asks. You. "And who's stuck home without doing anything?" he asks. Me. "...Exactly! Imma get me some booty tonight!" he says. "Touch her and I'll rip your testicals off and shove em in your eye sockets!" I say dead serious.

He laughs and I just give him the death stare. Zafina comes back in carrying a bunch of blankets and pillows. "I'll help you!" he says and gets up. He looks back at me and winks. He goes behind her and helps to grab a few blankets. He pretends to slap her ass. He moves his body up against the back of her.

"Oops sorry." he says moving the the other side of the mountain of blankets. He wiggils his eye brows at me. I'm gonna kill him! I'm leaving for California right now! Ow! I look down and my hands are bleeding from my nails I was clinching my fits so hard! She lays down a few comforters then blankets and pillows and sets them up as far away from her bed as possible.

Mh my girl! "There a bed!" she says smiling. "Thank you so much!" he says. He goes off to get ready for bed and she comes over to the camera. "I'm sorry babe! I know you probably don't like this but I wouldn't want to sleep out there where I could hear them either!" she says.

"It's whatever." I say. I got that from her. She yawns and rubs her eyes. "Go to sleep baby." I say. "Okay." she says. "I love you!" she says. "I love you too!" I say. We kiss the camera and end call. Well this is going to be a horrible rest of the day.

Zafina's POV:

I plug my phone in and turn the t.v. off so it's back to windows. Ah the city is beautiful! I lay down and hear the bathroom door open. Jeff walks out shirtless. Damn! "Wow windows! I didn't know they were there!" he says looking at them. "Sorry t.v. was on." I say.

"Well goodnight." he says and goes to his bed. "Night." I say. "Lights off." I say loud. "Lights turning off." the computerized women says. "Whoa cool!" Jeff says. I get comfy and begin to close my eyes. I hear moaning and giggling. I roll my eye and try to ignore it. It's gets louder and louder. They're coming to the door!

I get up and lock it. Jeff looks at me. "Shhh pretend you're asleep!" I say and run back to the bed. I hear them try to open the door. "Oh I see they're using this room." Storm says. "Let's go to a different room then!" I hear Tyler say. "I'm not leaving till I hear a moan or a bed bump against the wall or something!" Storm says.

Are you fucking kidding me?! I sit up and look at Jeff and shrug. He gets up, messes his hair up, grabs my water bottle, dabs some water on his face and chest and heads to the door. "What about your pants?" I ask whispering. "I'll just hide my bottom half with the door." he says. Good idea.

"Why? You wanna see me naked?" he asks wiggling his eye brows. I laugh and roll my eyes. He goes to the door and opens it. "Hey! We're busy in here!" Jeff says pretending to be out of breath. They both laugh. "Oh really?" Storm asks. "Uh huh." Jeff says. "Then where's Zafina?" Storm asks. Shit! Well let's get this over with so they'll leave!

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