Chapter 25:

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Peter's POV:

I pull her pant leg up over her injured knee. I sit on the sink again and I set her leg laid straight out. "This is going to sting." I say. I get the cleaner on her cut and she grabs my shirt. I feel awful causing her pain! After its finally all clean I put a bandage on it and wrap it. I pull her pant leg down then look at her face. Her worst injuries are her knee and the cuts on her face. "Shit Zafina." I say. "What?" she asks.

"Um I have to pick the scab off of these cuts on your face." I say. "I will do it." she says. With her right hand she begins to pick and I hold her left. She squeezes my hand. When she done I clean the one above her eye brow first. I finish and put a band aid on. While I'm cleaning the cut just under her lip I catch her starring at me. I smile. "What?" I ask her.

Zafina's POV:

He cleans my cut above my eye brow then moves to my cut near my bottom lip. I think part of it is on my lip but most of the cut is under. I look at him while he cleans it. He's so nice and even minus the hot body he is very very good looking! His face is just so cute! He looks hot with his hair all wet and messy and down! How could Windy ever leave him?!

I don't even understand how anyone could ever want to leave this boy even if he wasn't Peter Pan. He's so nice and respectful and caring! He's the perfect guy! Him being completely handsome and being Peter Pan are just bonuses! He catches me starring at him but I don't look away. "What?" he asks me smiling. "How could anyone ever want to leave you?" I ask. "I don't know." he says still smiling. "You're so perfect! Why are you so nice to me?" I ask.

He looks at me, touches my head and lifts an eye brow. "I think the rat blood has gone to your head." he says chuckling. "No. I'm serious!" I say. He gets done cleaning it and puts all the first aid stuff back in a cupboard. I continue starring at him. I can't look away. He lifts me off the counter and groans at something. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Nothing." he says. I can tell he's lying. "Milo cut me that's all." he says.

"Let me see." I say. He sighs and lift up his shirt. Heeeellllloo abs! Like dauuuuuym! Snap out of it. I look and see a huge cut bleeding on his side. "Peter!" I say. "What?" he asks. "This is bad! I think you need stitches!" I say. "No I've gotten cuts worse and didn't get stitches." he says pulling his shirt back down. I slap his hands and pull it back up. "At least let me clean it." I say. "Whatever." he says.

I get the first aid kit out again and sit on the toilet while he stands in front of me. I pull out the cleaning stuff. "It would be easier if you just took your shirt off." I say. He does and I watch. Trying not to drool! "This is gonna sting." I say. I press the cleaning stuff to his cut. He winces and grabs my shoulder. "I'm sorry." I say.

"It's fine." he says in pain. I continue down and clean his whole cut. My shoulder actually hurts he's gripping it so hard. I blow on it and realize how close my face is to his amazing abs. I look at them. Is it getting hotter in this bathroom?

I put medicine on it and put those little band aid stitches things on it. "Now be careful!" I say. He puts his shirt back on. Crap. You could have left it off. "Forgot to kiss it." he says smiling. I lift his shirt and kiss it. "You didn't kiss mine." I say also smiling. "I can't believe I forgot that!" he says dramatically. I laugh. He leans down and lifts my pant leg.

He lifts it up to the bandage and kisses it. Awe! He pulls my pant leg back down then looks at me. He kisses my cut above my eye brow. My next one is on my lip! My heart beat increases. He leans down. We're about to kiss???!!! I close my eyes and can feel his breath he's so close. A bang at the door and Louis yelling "C'MON LOVE BIRDS STOP FUCKING!" interrupts us and ruins the moment!

Fuck! I open my eyes. He sighs and helps me up. I kiss his cheek and he smiles. He opens the door and everyone looks at us. "Wow look how much steam is coming out of that room!" a guy I don't know says. I laugh. So does everyone else. "Wow pervs it's called from the shower." I say smiling. "It's called you two were in there together." Zayn says. "Did you know?" Louis says wiggling his eye brows up and down.

"Thats for us to know and for you guys to never find out." Peter says. "Oooo!" they all say then laugh. I look at Peter also laughing. He winks at me and my heart flutters. Louis is going to get paid back for ruining that! "Here." Harry says while handing me crutches.

"Thanks!" I say. I adjust them for me then practice walking around with them. It's easy! I look around. "Still raining?" I ask. "No. Stopped awhile ago." Liam says. "Come to the kitchen!" Peter says. I follow him and he helps me sit at a chair at the table. Thank god! I hope were in here for food! I'm starving!

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