Chapter 71:

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Zafina's POV:

We put a red scarf around its neck, a black top hat on his head a wooden carrot for his nose and these wooden circle things for the eyes and mouth. Thats all that came with my snowman set. This reminds me of the movie Jack Frost...good movie! Sad...but good! It needs more! We go back to our houses and look for stuff to use. We add a SnapBack instead of the top hat, some branches for arms

(we found a branch that looked like someone holding up a peace sign! So of coarse we used that for one of them arms!), some red kool-aid on the cheeks to make them look rosey, two little sticks for ears, the glasses that have a mustache hanging from the bottom of them, suspenders, two tiny sticks for eye brows(one's higher then the other), a bow tie and a fake penis. Our snowman is awesome! We take pictures of it and pictures with it. Storm runs right into their game of soccer and yells "Hey guys come here!"

She has some big balls to do that! They all come and laugh at our snowman. A good laugh though. "That's awesome!" JC says. "I like how it's nerdy!" Kian says. "I especially like how you gave it a fake penis." Ricky says. "Where did you get that?" Harry asks. "It's mine." I say winking. "Ooooo!" they all say. Wow! Storms the one who gave me it like last year for Christmas! They go back to their game. "What do you want to do now?" I ask Storm. "How about we sled!" she says. "We have sleds?" I ask. "Oh yeah! We have winter stuff just for this day!" she says.

Did everyone know it snowed here on Christmas but me? We walk to an area where there's 4 huge sheds. We open one and there's everything you would ever need for winter in it! There's snow mobiles, sleds, snowboards, winter clothes, ect. Wow! Most if the things have names on them. It's either Peter's, Harry's, Liam's, Zayn's or Louis's. I guess us newbies need to add our stuff to it. We grab two sleds and head out. "So this why you bought me snow pants and a coat and everything?" I ask Storm as we fly to find a big hill.

"Yup. Peter told me too and he told me not to tell you it was going to snow." she says. "Ah." I say. We can't find the right hill so I suggest we go to Center Mountain. We go and find an area that goes almost all the way down that has no trees! I'm seriously glad we can fly so after we sled down we don't have to haul our asses back up! We land on the top and dig a flat area where we want to start. We sit on our sleds. "Are you sure about this?" Storm asks nervously. "Oh yeah!" I say. "Okay...Ready?" Storm asks.

"Ready!" I say. "Good!" she says then pushes me. "You can go first!" she yells to me. Oh my gosh! This is freakin awesome! I scream with excitement all the way down! I sit for a second at the bottom and just let the adrenalin sink in a little bit. I fly back up and she's still sitting there. Pussy! "Dude it's so much fun!" I say.

Storm's POV:

"I don't know." I say. I don't think I can do this! "Just go you big pussy!" she says. "No!" I say. She walks over to me. "No! No! Don't touch me!" I say. "I'm not!" she says. She stands behind me. "Don't you push me!" I say trying to look at her but this damn coat is to fluffy! "Okay...READY SET GO!" she says fast then pushes me. I start going down! "AHHHHHHH!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Oh my gosh! I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die!

I get to the bottom. It wasn't that bad. That was actually kind of fun! I fly back up and she's already going down it again. We continue doing this. After awhile we take a break and sit on our indented starting area. "You know I'm a pretty good snowboarder." she says braging. "How?" I ask. We lived in Florida! "You don't remember?" she asks. I shake my head no. Remember what? "I used to go up to Vermont every year." she says. "Oh yeah! That was before..." I say. Um...

"It's okay you can say it. It was before my dad died. But actually remember we went again last year." she says. "I remember you called me every night and told me about how terrible it was besides the cute snowboarder you met." I say. She laughs. "Mmmm he was gorgeous! I woulda banged him all summer long!" she says. "Dude!" I say playfully hitting her.

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