-I Love You-

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–Max's POV–
I have feelings for someone but they don't know it.
He's amazing and cute and funny.
I don't know if I should tell him cause I'm not sure how he will react even tho I think he likes me back too.
I could ask him now or till we get home.
I'll ask him at home.
Tim is gonna be gone with Adam and the others so this could be alright.
Ross is all I could think about in the moment. Soon enough it was time to go home.
I waved goodbye to Tim and the others an walked to the car with Ross walking closely behind me.
We got into the car and drove home.
—Time skip to when the get to le home—
Ross was silent the whole way home well probably because there wasn't much to talk about.
I guess this is when I tell him well in a little bit.
–Ross' POV–
I was silent the whole ride home.
I don't know why I didn't talk that's not like me I probably have Max worried and all. I'm such fuck up.
He's my crush and I don't know if he likes me back he seems like he does but it could just be like brother stuff.
But one can dream can he.
–Max's POV–
Ok now to tell Ross how I feel he went to his room once we got in. So here goes nothing.
"Hey Ross you in there?"
"Huh oh yea come in"
"Hey bud"
"What are you doing?" I sit on his bed.
"Not much just cleaning up my room a little"
"Oh ok is it ok if I tell you something real quick?"
"Ok well I think I like you"
–Ross' POV–
Wait did I hear him correctly he likes me!
"Y-you do?"
"Max! I do too!"
"What really?"
"Yes I have liked you for a while or ever since we met!"
I kissed him I had to just once.
'I Love You'
These are so short I know.
Really hope this gets some reads.
I would honestly love that!

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