-Never Forget-

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–Ross' POV–
I was trapped inside a little room alone.
Oh no I hate being alone.
I hate having monophobia I didn't have Max or Adam or Shelby or anyone to comfort me.
I could hear someone yelling.
It sounds like Max!
I tried yelling I hope he heard me.
He pounded on the wall next to me.
He must be right beside me.
"Can you hear me Max?"
"Yea can you hear me?"
I'm relieved I have someone talking to me or I wouldn't survive.
"Are you alright Ross?"
"Yea what about you?"
"Im fine are you sure tell me the truth."
"Well I wasn't before but now that I know you here I'm ok."
"Where is everyone else?"
"I'm gonna try to bust down this wall ok."
"Yea so step back."
I stepped back he's crazy!
Well that's Max for ya.
For second I hear nothing then in a split second he busts down the wall.
"Holy crap!"
He runs up and hugs me.
"Are you ok?!"
"Yea but how in the world did you do that!?"
I'm so so so so glad he's here.
Me and Max try to bust down the door we eventually do and make a run for it, to the other doors that is.
We free Adam, Jess, Tyler, Jin, Barney, Red, and Shelby.
I hug Shelby cause I was scared out of my mind.
Two guards come to try and stop us.
The come straight for me.
But Max stops them from getting anywhere near me.
Shelby then helps him.
"You go ANYWHERE near my cousin I will kill you!"
Wow never seen Shelby so evil like.
"Don't go near him or you will get it!"
I'm used to Max being so evil like he's been like that ever since we where little.
Adam pulls me and hugs me.
Jin hugs me then Barney.
This is new...
Max turns around and sees Barney hugging me.
I can see a bit of...Jealousy!?
Barney lets go of me.
Shelby is holding the guards back seems like they are too scared to fight a girl.
Or they are scared of her idk.
"Guys we should get going."
Tyler says running towards a window.
We all follow him.
Shelby glares at the guards at them again and they run off.
We then hear foot steps.
Oh no.
Jess, Jin, Tyler, Adam, Barney, and Shelby are all out and on the ground me and Max are still at the window.
"Go on Max I'm right behind you."
Until someone grabs my shirt and yanks me back.
I struggle.
I hear them all yell.
–Max's POV–
I see Ross get thrown or something back in the building.
"Ross!" We all yell.
I'm the first one up.
I see a guy holding Ross.
That's not going to happen Shelby's right behind me.
"Let him go."
I'm not afraid to kill them.
"Max said let. Him. Go!"
I hear Shelby she must be really mad.
The guy holding Ross gives Ross to the other guys.
Ross tries to get out of there grip.
Me, Shelby, Jess, and Tyler fight the leader.
Adam,Barney, and Jin fight the guys holding Ross.
We won obviously.
I run to Ross I'm worried as hell.
I see him curled up in a corner I could tell he was scared.
He almost got taken away, from me.
I know he feels like a brother to me but something in my heart is telling me I want to be more than that.
I go up to him and tap his shoulder.
He jumps a little then looks up and smiles.
He hugs me and holds me as tight as he could.
That's so adorable.
"You okay Ross?"
"Y-yea thanks for saving me back there."
I smile and squeeze him.
I then sit down with him and set him on my lap. I wasn't going to let anything get him.
"Come on lovebirds we got to get going."
Adam said.
"Ok ok we're coming."
We get out of that building finally but Ross still looks scared.
Poor thing.
We get to Adams house we all have to stay at his house cause reasons.
Red and Barney fell asleep right after they sat down.
They look peaceful I guess cause Reds asleep on Barney's shoulder.
Adam puts a movie on and sits beside Jin.
Tyler, Shelby, and Jess start chatting.
And Ross falls asleep on me.
I blush a little.
Jess starts looking at me and Ross making a heart with her hands.
I glare at her.
It's about time for us to go to sleep so I nudge Ross. He doesn't budge.
I then pick him up and carry him to our room.
I lay him down and then crawl into the bed next to him.
(Yes they are in the same bed.)
He opens his eyes and looks at me.
"Hey Max."
He yawns.
"Hey Ross."
He then realized that we where sleeping in the same bed and starts blushing.
I just smile and hug him.
"Hey Ross."
"Yea M-Max?"
"Will you be my boyfriend?"
I smile and pull away and look at him he's blushing a deep red now.
I kiss him I don't want to lose him.
This is a day I will
'Never forget'
Yay a little bit longer.
You proud of me?
But I thought this was a cute story
I really hope you guys like this.
What are you guys being for Halloween I'm being a -pause for dramatic effect-
WOLF!! |Woof|
And also are you guys enjoying this one shot?
I really need request too!!!

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