-No one Will Hurt You-

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–Ross' POV–
I was scared I held onto the lockers cause I just got beat up by bullies.
My life is so fucking horrible.
I'm gay and I can't help that. It's who I am why can't people understand that.
I liked this guy named Max he's amazing , and handsome.
I knew he would never love a nerd like me. Why would he?
People where scared to fight him even the teachers where.
If you call him Mad Max then you should run.
The next day the same old day get beat up and walk to class about to pass out.
This has happened ever since I came to this school.
I don't tell the teachers cause I want to be tough.
Shelby my cousin she's also a teacher but not here a different school. Helps me tells me to tell a teacher get them expelled. I never did I never wanted to.
One day before the bully's even laid a hand on me someone came in and stopped them.
The person who doesn't it was none other than Max.
I was amazing and shocked.
Why would he stand up for me?
Why is he here?
Why does he care?
"Hey, leave him alone."
The bullies left they didn't want to get involved with Max.
The other students left for class.
"Hey you alright?"
"Y-yea. T-thanks for saving me back there." I blushed a little.
"No problem. Your that Ross kid, right?"
I nodded.
"Wanna come over to my house my parents are on a trip to Hawaii?"
"Great see ya after school."
I waved bye he did the same.
Time Skip To After School Cause I Can!!!—
I waited for Max to show up and he finally did.
"Hey, ready to go?"
"Follow me then."
I followed him to his car it was a nice car a Challenger.
We arrive at his house it's amazing.
We go inside and play some games.
It gets late so I ask my mom if I can stay at his house for the night she said it was ok.
Max was ok with me staying too.
I yawn.
"Are you tired?"
"A little yea."
"We can go to bed now if you want."
I lay down and instantly fall asleep.
I feel an arm wrap around my waist and blush a little.
I turn around to where I'm facing a ginger.
I snuggle up to his chest and fall asleep.
Before I do I here something that Max said.
'No one will hurt you'
I thought this was cute.
Well I gtg to school I don't want to but it better blow by fast.

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