-I Get To Love you-

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–Max's POV–
You can say that the ship isn't real
But you can't tell me that I don't care about him.
I do and I will till the day I die.
I was reading comments and one really got on my nerves.
It says why is Ross a squirrel.
Ross is one of my best friends and I love him. I wish I can have a chance with him. But anyways I still cannot believe people are only going crazy about his mincraft skin it's ridiculous.
I went to go sit down on the couch when I saw Ross walk in he's cute I can't stand it but I have to play it cool.
"Hey bud." I smiled.
"Oh hey."
"What's up?"
"Not much really. You?"
He came over and sat next to me.
"Ross can I tell you something?"
"Yea anything."
"I like you and I'm not sure how you will react. Please don't hate me."
"Max I like you too well honestly I love you ever since we first met."
He nods.
Omg Ross loves me I'm shocked by this I'm glad he doesn't hate me.
"Will you like to be my boyfriend then?"
He nods again but this time I kiss him.
He kisses back.
"Ross you know this is the best moment of my entire life. Nothing could ever be more perfect. I get to have you as my boyfriend."
He smiles and blushes a little.
"You wanna know the best part about all of this?"
"Yea what is the best part about all of this?"
He looks up at me with joy in his eyes it's adorable.
'I get to love you'
Sorry I haven't published in a while.
I put this song here because it's a beautiful song and I love it to death. My mom let me listen to it now I'm in love with it. I hope you like it too.
It gave me a really good idea for a Mithross story.
Ahhhh I just love it so much!!!!

-Your My Kinda Perfect-  -Mithross One Shots-Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt