Love yo self.

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HELLO ITS ME! Ok so here's the sequel to obsessed. I hope you guys like it. I found this aaliyah look alike that can play Allison! Here we go! I hope y'all enjoy 💜

"Mom! Auntie Lina and Elly are here!" Allison yelled.
"Alright! Are you dressed?" I asked.
"Get to it, then!" I yelled.
We were getting ready for parent teacher conference at the girls school, and we decided to carpool.
Yes. Carpool.
I slipped on my black jeans and stared at myself in the mirror, pushing my glasses up my nose.
God I've gotten old.
My skin was still pale, my hair fell down my back in a neat ponytail and my eyes were behind round rimmed glasses.
My hips were wider, my breasts were bigger, but I wasn't any taller.
"Mommy, Justin won't share his ice cream with me." My ten year old daughter, Jessica stated.
Alice and I happened to bred twins. I decided to carry them this time, and it was the craziest experience. But I Ioved them, anyway.
I looked down at the girl with dark curly hair and piercing blue eyes and I sighed.
"Tell him to share or I'll throw it out."
She ran out of the room and I followed, grabbing my things and stumbling down the steps.
"Hey girl hey!" Lina yelled.
"Hey, man."
"You look exhausted."
"I am."
"Alice kept you up all night, huh?" She grinned, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Shut the fuck up."
"Ow! Stop hitting me!" I heard Justin scream.
"I really can't..jessica!" I yelled, walking to the kitchen.
Justin was glaring at his sister and I yanked the container from his hand.
"Now none of you get it. Get in the living room and sit still until we leave."
"Do as I say." I stated firmly. I heard Lina chuckling as she walked to the kitchen. I took a spoon of the ice cream, groaning as I heard Allison yell for me.
"I swear to God.." I hissed.
"That's being a mom for you." Lina chuckled.
I ran up the stairs and walked into her bedroom, to see Elly sitting on the floor rolling a joint.
"Hey, I don't need to see that, miss." I stated.
"This is for your daughter. Not me."
"Why throw me under the bus, you bitch?"
"Watch your language before I pop your mouth. You're still a child." I stated.
"I'm gonna be sixteen in a couple days. Right, titi?" Elly wiggled her eyebrows.
"Oh boy."
Elly and I have the same birthday, and every time our birthdays come up, she always talks about partying with me as if she's grown.
She's so much like her mother it's ridiculous. And they both look alike.
Elly looks just like Lina, except her eyes are more pointy and emerald green. Other than that, they're identical.
Allison on the other hand, looks just like Alice, but has my personality. It's why we get along so well...sometimes.
She grew out of the blonde frizzy hair and now has dark hair like Alice,
"Little girl..I am not sixteen anymore, you can't come to the club with me."
"If I get an ID I can."
"Your mother will kill me."
"No she won't." Elly stated.
I know she wouldn't.
"Is mom gonna come straight home with us after this?" Ally asked.
"I'd have to ask. I haven't spoken to her since she left." I responded.
"Mhm..but y'all were speaking all last night, huh?" Elly giggled lowly.
"Ew.. Ladybug.." Ally stated. My face was flushed.
"Shut the hell up. Both of you. And hurry up!" I stated.
"I wanna smoke this first."
I groaned and walked downstairs to the kitchen to see Lina sitting on the counter, stuffing her face.
"Bitch..get off my counter!" I yelled.
"Swear jar!" Justin yelled.
"Shut up!" I yelled. He giggled lowly and I pushed Lina off my counter and she grumbled.
"Your daughter is wild." I stated.
"I know. Just like me." Lina grinned.
"You're both annoying." I droned.
"Good. Let's smoke before we go." Lina breathed.
"No. I have children around." I said, pointing at them.
"They're occupied. I bet you ten dollars they're smoking upstairs."
"They are."
"Okay, let's join them."
"I have morals, Lina. Why would I smoke with my daughter?" I asked.
Alice would kill me.
"Alice isn't here. Come on."
I huffed as she dragged me upstairs, yelling at the twins to keep themselves on the couch.
We sat on the floor in my daughters room and I sighed.
"Alice is going to kill me. She hates when you guys smoke in the house..let alone smoke." I grumbled.
"I won't tell if you don't." Elly stated.
" ladybug is a genius." Lina grinned, kissing around Elly's face. Elly chuckled, inhaling from the joint before passing it to Allison.
I watched as Allison hit it, my eyes narrowing.
"You're used to this, huh?" I asked her as she handed it to me. She looked away, exhaling toward her window.
This is so bad.
Please don't call ACS.
I hit it a couple times, exhaling in Elly's face as she chuckled at me.
After we committed our sin in my daughters bedroom, we were now in the car, driving to the school.
Lina had the music blasting, her and the kids rapping to the song that was playing as I stopped at McDonald's.
We got our food and drove off.

Obsessed II (obsessed sequel. Girl on girl.)Where stories live. Discover now