Boyfriends and Teenage Hormones.

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I didn't proof read.

Nina's point of view;

"Why didn't you fucking tell me our daughter had a boyfriend? And that you were at an appointment!" I hissed into the phone.
"I'm sorry. I'm almost home. Do you need anything?" Alice asked.
I glared at the floor, my swollen ankles and toes cold as I stood in my balcony.
"Yeah, for you to come home and explain to me why the fuck my daughter has a boyfriend!" I yelled into the phone.
"Can you shut up!?" Alice yelled.
My stomach dropped and I felt the tears well in my eyes. I sniffed and she sighed into the phone.
"I'm sorry, baby. Look, we'll talk when I get home, okay? I'll bring you ice cream too, just stop crying." She breathed.
"Okay." I cried.
"I love you. I'll be home soon."
She hung up and I wiped my face, before changing out of my scrubs and into t-shirt and jeans.
I walked downstairs to see Lina in my kitchen and the girls and their boyfriends on the couch, talking and laughing.
"Lina, I think there's something wrong with Alice." I stated grimly as I took a cheeto from her bag.
"What do you think it is?" She asked. I shrugged.
"She's been so snappish lately. And very sensitive." I mumbled, sniffing as I thought about the way she yelled at me on the phone.
"Why are you crying?" Lina asked, rubbing my back. I shrugged.
"Our daughters have boyfriends." I said suddenly.
"Right?! When did this happen?!" Lina asked.
"I didn't eve know he existed. Alice knew." I hissed.
"And she didn't tell you? She obviously wants these hands."
"Right!" I said, slamming my hand down on my thigh.
The door opened and Alice walked in, taking her coat off.
That sexy bitch.
"Hey, everyone." She grinned. I walked into the living room, glaring at her and her face dropped.
"Mom, Terrance asked if you can give him a ride home after dinner." Allison stated.
"I'll do it. Don't worry about it, man." Alonzo grinned.
Glad to see them playing nice.
Alice kissed my forehead and handed me the bag of ice cream.
"It's cookie dough." She said innocently, her cheeks red. I rolled my eyes and snatched it from her and she giggled, kissing my mouth.
"PDA!" Allison yelled.
"Shut up." Elly chuckled. Terrance looked at Alonzo and shook his head, a smirk on his face.
I hate them.
I walked to the kitchen and opened my carton of ice cream.
"Why are you still pouting?" Alice asked.
"Because you're a traitor." Lina grumbled. I high fived her and Alice sucked her teeth.
"What was your appointment for?" I asked.
"Just a check up." She stated.
"So you get regular check ups, now? I thought I was the pregnant one." I replied. Lina looked between us two with wide eyes, before backing out of the kitchen.
"Ima just...yeah." She dashed into the living room and I looked at Alice, taking a spoon of ice cream.
"It was just a check up, Nina." Alice said.
"Okay, Alice."
"Yes, Alice?" I said with a straight tone.
"What's the problem?" She asked.
"Nothing." I mumbled.
Alice huffed, before grabbing me by my arm and twisting me around.
"Tell me what the problem is."
"Can you not manhandle me?" I snapped. She glared at me.
"Why the hell are you so upset with me? Can you stop stressing?" She asked. I sighed, looking away with an attitude.
"Why didn't you tell me Allison had a boyfriend?" I asked.
"I just found out today. I saw them in the hallway at school. They met in the hospital." Alice answered. I huffed.
"Come on, baby. Don't be upset." She breathed, kissing my neck. I rolled my eyes, feeling her hand snake up my shirt.
"Alice stop." I stated.
She didn't.
"Stopuhhhhhhh." I giggled, pushing her hand off me.
She leaned in and kissed me softly and I kissed her back, before pulling away.
"Hurry up, I'm hungry." I stated, wobbling to the living room.
I sat on the floor next to Lina and groaned as my back started to cramp up.
"Sis me too. I don't know why she's still in me." Lina grumbled.
"Pumpkin pie will be out soon. Don't worry. Meanwhile I have six more months to go." I giggled.
Alice cursed in patois and grumbled in the kitchen.
"I didn't know you were Jamaican." Terrance stated to Allison.
"Yeah. I'm Panamanian, Jamaican and South African." Allison chuckled.
"I'm Jamaican and Haitian." Terrance stated.
"I've never met a Haitian before. Sak pa saaayyyyyyyy.." Lina sang. I giggled and slapped her arm.
"They hate it when people say that to them." I chuckled.
"Really? Doesn't it mean what's up?" Lina asked.
"Yeah, but people are annoying with it sometimes. It's like going up to someone who's Hispanic and asking them if they're Hispanic, then they go 'hola como estas.'" He explained. I chuckled.
"Alice hates it when I say wagwan." Lina laughed. We all giggled.
"What are you?" Terrance asked Lina.
"I'm white." She snorted.
I laughed.
"You don't look white." He said.
"I'm Japanese and Italian." She stated.
"Wow. I see the Japanese in both you and your daughter."
"Right? They're cute little chinks." I giggled.
"Shut up." Lina grumbled.
"What about you, Mrs Brown?" He asked.
"South African." I grinned.
"And I'm guessing the other Mrs brown is Jamaican and Panamanian?" He chuckled, looking over at Allison.
"I'm pure Italian." Alonzo smirked.
"We knowwwwwwwww. You have mother Teresa tatted on your neck." Elly dragged, rolling her eyes.
"Let's play a board game." I suggested, touching my stomach.
"Let's play sorry!" Lina yelled.
"Stop fucking yelling." I huffed, standing up.
I grabbed the game and put on Percocet's and Stripper joint by future and it vibrated the house. We all sat on the floor and I put out the game and we all picked a piece.
"I hope she's making oxtail. If not, I'll cry." Lina murmured.
"Facts my guy." I responded. Allison cringed at me.
"Don't you ever...say that again." She hissed. I giggled.
"Shut it up, fatty ally."
Allison groaned and blushed as Elly started chanting her old nickname.
"Fatty Ally."
"Shut up, lady bug."
"Why do you guys call her lady bug?" Terrance asked as he moved his piece.
"When Lina found out she was pregnant with Elly and went to the ultrasound, she was very tiny like a ladybug. So it stuck with us since." I explained.
"The same way we call Ally fatty ally is because she was chubby as a baby. We called the twins peas in a pod, and my son peanut. Now we call my soon to be daughter pumpkin pie because it's literally all I eat, now." Lina giggled.
"I think that is so cute." Terrance responded with a smile on his face.
"I want a nickname." Alonzo mumbled.
"You already have one." Elly responded.
"And what is that?" I asked. Elly blushed and we all started to laugh in shock.
"I don't even wanna know." Lina moaned. I giggled even more.
"We call Allison princess." Elly said, changing the subject.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because Alonzo thought she looked like a Disney princess or something." Elly chuckled. He nodded, grinning.
"I call her tituba." Terrance admitted.
"Why?" Lina asked. Allison shook her head and covered her face.
"Before I started my medication in the hospital, I had a tick when it came to witchcraft, hence I am called crazy witch boy, and when I saw her I thought she was Tituba because she's the first black witch and she was known to be very beautiful and small with dark skin and light eyes. So yeah.. I started screaming tituba and had to be sedated." Terrance chuckled.
"I was shook." Allison giggled.
"Wait...crazy witch boy....HOLY SHIT! ELLY THATS CRAZY WITCH BOY!" Lina yelled.
"I am your biggest fan." Lina cried. Terrance was bent over with laughter.
"You're the boy that stole that snake and the eggs?" I asked.
"I was in a really bad place." Terrance mumbled. Allison rubbed his back.
"It's okay. That was awesome. I literally saved the news report on my dvr." I chuckled.

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