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Allison in the MM. On the last chapter, one of my readers commented a ship name for Eileen and Alonzo 😂. It's 'Alien.' I love it.

"Hey, she's waking up." I heard someone say. I moaned, moving my head around as I tried opening my eyes.
"What happened?" I breathed.
"You passed out. We're at the hospital." Mom number one breathed. Elly touched my arm and I looked over at her.
"Apparently you're dehydrated. And lacking nutrition."
"Allison, have you been starving yourself?" Mom number one asked.
"Alice!" Mom yelled. Elly looked at me with pained eyes and I sighed.
"When can I go home?" I asked.
"Soon. The doctor has to see you."
Mom number one stared at me with eyes filled with anger and hurt.
I looked away.
Elly played wth my hair until the doctor walked inside with another woman.
"I'm glad to see you awake." The doctor grinned. I shrugged.
"How are you feeling?"
"Tired." I responded.
"I bet. Well, moms, you'll have to monitor her diet, and make sure she drinks a lot of water."
I shut my eyes.
Why me?
"Here are your discharge papers."
I just want to die.
"How's your nose feeling?" I asked Elly.
"It's fine. Swollen but fine."
They discharged me out the hospital and the ride home was silent.
Aunt Lina took Elly home for the night and I sat on the couch, both my parents and siblings watching me.
"Jess and Justin, upstairs for bed. Now." Mom number one stated, her eyes blazing. Mom number two sat next to me, her eyes filled with tears as I looked at her face.
"What's going on with you, Allison?" She asked. I bit my lip.
"Nothing. I'm fine."
"No you're not. Why are you keeping secrets from us?" Mom number one asked.
"Alice, calm down."
"Why should I? She's sitting here killing herself, Nina!" Mom yelled.
"I'm not." I stated.
Mom number one looked at me, her blue eyes sad as she touched my hand.
"I told you you could talk to me if anything." She stated.
"But there's nothing wrong. I'm telling you there isn't. Isn't that enough?" I asked, trying not to break apart in front of them.
"Allison, I swear to God.." Mom number one started, turning her back as she spoke in patois under her breath.
"Alice, this isn't how you approach a situation like this."
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"Allison, are you starving yourself, yes or no?" Mom asked.
"Alice, get out of the room."
"What! Why?!" She yelled.
"I'm not fucking arguing with you, get the fuck out!" Mom yelled.
Mom number one glared at us both before leaving the room, her heels loud and angry against the marble floor. She stomped up the stairs, slamming their bedroom door.
Mom looked over at me and touched my face.
"You did lose a lot of weight. Like ten pounds, very rapidly, sweetie. What are you doing to yourself?" She asked.
"Nothing. I swear."
Everything is falling apart around me and I can't do a thing about it. At least I can control my weight.
I felt the tears prick my eyes and I blinked them back.
"Can I go to my room, now?" I asked dryly.
"You have to eat."
"I'm not hungry"
I'm fucking starving.
"I don't care. You have to eat."
Mom and I walked to the kitchen and she put me a small plate of food.
The smell nauseated me.
Potato salad is fattening.
Chicken is fattening.
Hey, piggy.
Oink oink.
Fat ass.
I took a spoonful of the food, holding down a gag, swallowing the food.
This is the first piece of food I had all week.
I ate some of it, before pushing it away and running upstairs. I slipped into the bathroom and retched quietly into the sink, sobbing as I covered my mouth.
I slipped onto the floor, crying into my legs.
I couldn't even eat.
I tried calming down and slipped into my room, hearing my parents arguing behind the walls.
"Alice! Can you be understanding for once?!"
"For once?! Are you serious right now, Nina?"
"Even if she is anorexic, you yelling isn't going to make anything better."
Is that what it is?
I shook my head.
I'm too fat to be anorexic.
I stripped off my clothes and slid in my bed, letting the tears stream down my face.
I sobbed into my pillow, the pain I felt killing me on the inside.
"What did I do to deserve this?"
Little did I know everything could get worst.

Obsessed II (obsessed sequel. Girl on girl.)Where stories live. Discover now