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Allison in the MM.

Allison's Point Of View:

"How does it feel to be sixteen?" I asked Elly as I rolled a blunt in Alonzo's car.
"Feels fùcking great. Babe, we heard her parents having birthday sex all..night..long.." She dragged.
"Now that's hot." Alonzo chuckled.
"Oh God, don't!" I grumbled.
"Her mom has the same birthday as me. And like, she was all like 'oh baby..yes, oh god oh god yes..' It was so hot." Elly giggled.
"Oh I bet..did you guys have some, too?" He asked, wiggling his brows.
"Stop!" I screamed.
"I wanted to, but she was like 'no, leave me alone.' And kept covering her ears like a wimp." Elly sulked. I sucked my teeth and lit my blunt. I exhaled into the car and looked down at my phone.
'Hey kitten.'
My body broke into chills and I unlocked my phone.
'What do you want?'
I inhaled again and exhaled, coughing at her reply.
'You, duh.'
"You good back there?" Elly asked.
"Yeah man." I coughed.
'I don't want you.'
'That's not what you said in the bathroom.'
'You kissed me.'
'And you kissed me back. Moaning and all, kitten.'
I sighed.
This bitch.
'Let me see you soon.'
'Why not?'
'This pussy don't pop for you.'
I giggled at my reply, my eyes low and hooded.
I was as high as the clouds.
'It will, though. Watch.'
'You can't tell the future.'
'No, but I know for a fact my face will be buried between your legs.'
'So you say.'
'Oh, I know.'
"Who you textin back there?" Elly asked.
Your aunt.
"No one."
"Mhm..see, baby. She cheating on me." Elly pouted.
"That's a low blow, man." Alonzo chuckled.
Oh you don't even know the half of it.
"Son..I'm high as fuck." I mumbled.
"Me too. What type of strain is this?" Elly asked.
"Some new's good right?"
"Bruh I feel like I'm in the Chamber of reflection by Mac demarco." I stated, giggling.
"You should play it." Elly stated.
The song started in the car and I lost myself, going into a trance as he drove us to school.
I was in another universe by the time I got to school. We smoked a couple more blunts and I stumbled into school with Elly.
"You is my nigga." I mumbled.
"And you is my N word, man."
"You better not say that word." I giggled. She laughed and I slammed my locker shut.
We walked into class and it was quiet as the teacher wrote on the board.
A sound filled the room and I looked over at Elly, a loud snort coming from her nose.
I followed after, letting out a guffaw and a hiccup.
"Excuse me? Why do I hear laughter?" The teacher asked.
We stayed quiet for the rest of the period.
We slipped inside moms classroom and I stared at the desk, trying to avoid my mothers eye.
"Allison." She stated. I looked up and I knew from the look on her face that she knew I was high.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Keep your head up, please. And stay after class. You too, Eileen."
I looked over at Eileen and she nodded, her eyes half shut.
"Oh shit, they've done it now." Someone said. People chuckled and I saw my moms face turn hard.
"Take out a piece of loose leaf. Since you have so much to say, you better have a lot to say for this response you will be doing. It's going to be graded as a test."
The rest of the period was silent and I began to sober up, when the bell rang. I kept seated while I watched everyone walk out the room, handing mom their papers.
"Please explain to me..why you're high while in school?" Mom asked, shutting the door.
"It won't happen again." I stated.
"Yes it will. Because you're high every fucking day, and I just never say anything, but today was so obvious. Your first period teacher had to be the one to tell me this. Why are you embarrassing me like this?" Mom asked.
Because I'm emotionally unstable and thrive through my self destruction.
"Um..I'm sorry." Elly breathed. I looked over at her.
"It's not your fault. It's mine. I knew better, but it was my idea." I stated.
Elly and I scurried out of the classroom, slipping into Mrs. Lancasters room.
"Why are we late?" She asked.
"Mrs. Brown had a conference with us." I stated. She rolled her eyes.
As we were walking to our seats she made a sound.
"Mmmm.. Rather not. Go get a pass and come back."
"Are you serious right now?" I asked her.
"Nope, now don't even bother coming back."
I glared at her, balling my fists before leaving the room.
"Elly you stay. Be a good girl. Don't follow her steps."
I looked back and looked at Elly as she stared at Mrs. Lancaster.
She slipped inside her seat and looked down at the desk and I felt my heart drop to my stomach, before walking down the hallway.
Elly always came with me no matter what the teacher said. Why was today so different?
I let out a breath and slipped into the stairwell, sitting on the steps. I shut my eyes and tried to calm down, before slipping my phone out.
I have over forty text messages.
And they were from Zora.
I don't understand why she's so obsessed with me. I'm fat and ugly, and all types of fucked up.
Maybe that's what she's into.
I read all the text messages, my jaw literally on the ground.
She was way too detailed about everything she wanted to do to me.
"Jesus Christ." I moaned.
'What school do you go to?' She asked.
'With my niece? Amazing.'
She didn't respond and I became nervous. I put my head in my hands, trying to figure out what's wrong with me.
I don't get it.
My parents love me, I think.
I have money.
I dress nice.
I may be fat and ugly, but I'm a nice person until you get in my way.
My family is perfect.
So what is it?
Why am I so fucking crazy?
My phone buzzed and I looked down.
'I'm outside.'
I felt my heart beat go Insane and I contemplated whether I should go or not.
I was shocked at myself when I dashed down the stairs towards the exit, angry at the fact that she thinks she could just come and bother me or something. And the fact that I let her, and entertain her makes me even more livid.
I swung the door open and sprinted toward the parking lot behind the track field. Her large grin made me angry and I glared up at her as she leaned against the car, her arms and legs crossed. She was in a long sleeved burgundy shirt with buttons that stopped at the end of her cleavage. They were open, the curves of her breasts exposed. Her light blue jeans held her body snugly and I bit my lip.
The anger was replaced by lust.
She stared back down at me, lifting her hand and caressing my cheek with the back of her index finger.
"Hey, pretty baby."
"Hey, pedophile."
Zora chuckled, her low grey eyes indicating that she's been doing some drugs.
"Let me take you home." She breathed. I felt my eyes flutter closed as she touched my face again.
"Why?" I asked.
I already knew her intentions. She made it clear from the day I met her. The thing is, will I let her do what she wants?
Will she bring back that thriving feeling that doesn't make me feel so dead inside?
The one Jah gave me? Or when Elly kisses me? Or when I do acid?
Thriving through self destruction.
Could she make me feel things other than the desire of not wanting to live in my skin, anymore?
I guess I'll have to test the waters.
You whore.
She stared down at me, waiting for me to make a decision and I rolled my eyes.
"Fine." I smirked. She grinned and opened the car door for me and I slid inside.
She sped off and I stared at her hand as it touched my thigh. I felt intoxicated.
We reached her house and she opened the door and took my hand as I stepped out. We walked into the house and she shut the door.
"Make yourself at home." She grinned.
I remember the house from thanksgiving. Maroon colored walls, grey couch, large tv, white carpet.
I slipped off my shoes and put my bag in the corner and sat on the couch.
"You hungry?" She asked.
"No." I stated.
"Well I am. I'm craving something you." She chuckled. I rolled my eyes.
"What is your obsession with me?" I asked.
I heard her walk over and she stood in front of me.
"Oh you not know how delicious you look?" She asked. I looked up at her and she licked her lips.
"I want to corrupt you in every way possible."
"What a wonderful choice of words." I responded.
"You scared?" She asked.
"You should be." She grinned.
"Why?" I asked. She climbed onto the couch and straddled my waist and pushed her forehead against mine.
"I'm taking you on a ride you've never been on, before." She whispered. I let out a shaky breath and nodded.
"Fine." I breathed. She leaned down and started to kiss my neck and I bit my lip, my eyes closed.
"Are you going to let me?" She asked.
"Let you what?" I whimpered as she sucked on my skin.
"Take you places you've never been." She breathed. I nodded and she looked at me, before leaning in and kissing me.
I moaned against her mouth. Our tongues tangled around each other. Her lips were soft against mine.
It felt good to kiss her.
She slid off my lap and pulled me onto hers. My fingers tangled into her hair as we made out. She stood and I wrapped my legs around her.
She took me upstairs and dropped me to my feet once we reached her bedroom.
"Get on the bed for me." Zora stated. I obeyed and crawled onto the middle of the bed.
"Do you trust me?" She asked.
"Good. I need you to model for me." She breathed.
"For what?" I asked.
"I told you already. I want to document every part of you." She stated. I pursed my lips.
"What do you want me to do?" I asked.
Zora had a camera in her hand and she smirked.
"Start by unbuttoning your shirt."
I obeyed, looking down at my hands.
"No. Look at the camera, sweet pea."
I did, looking at the camera as I unbuttoned my shirt.
"So beautiful." She breathed. My cheeks heated up and I pushed my shirt off my shoulders.
I was in a lavender laced bra.
Go figure.
She took some more pictures and I watched as she propped the camera on the stand.
She crawled on the bed and pushed me down gently. Her mouth found my chest and I let out a breath.
Zora pushed my bra strap off my shoulder and kissed it, before pulling my bra down and exposing my nipple.
Her tongue and mouth were on me and I lost myself, ignoring the clicking of the cameras in the bedroom.
She kissed down my body, kissing every part of me. She removed her clothes and laid on top of me, her mouth on mine again as my hands ran across her body.
"Don't be shy. You can touch me." She whispered. I nodded and ran my hands across her stomach, grasping her breasts. She smirked and kissed my Chin, before sliding down my body.
She kissed my hips and sucked on my skin.
I couldn't breathe properly.
Zora kissed the inside of my thighs, and dug in.
I moaned, holding her head to my core as her tongue moved inside of me. I gasped, arching off the bed.
"Just like that." She moaned against my pussy.
"Oh God." I whispered.
"Louder." She said.
"Z-Zora." I groaned.
"Louder, baby. Don't be scared." She said. I let out a noise, writhing against her face and crying out.
She was too good at this.
I arched, my toes curling and eyes rolling back as I let out a silent scream when my climax took over.
She didn't stop.
Zora kept going, holding my thighs down as I tried to move away.
Her fingers dipped inside me, curling and moving rigorously. I couldn't breathe or stay still as I felt my climax start to move over me again.
"Oh fuck oh fuck.." I moaned. She moaned against me, her nails digging into my thighs.
"P-please sto..mmm!" I cried.
"Stop what?" She asked, before moving her tongue in circular motions.
My soul left my body as I came again, my nails digging into the sheets.
I tried to control my breathing, my eyes closed. Every part of me was vibrating.
She's a sex Goddess.
I felt small angel kisses travel up my body, before her mouth touched mine.
"What I say?" She breathed. I smirked against her mouth and opened my eyes. Her grey dipped into my hazel and she kissed me again.
I couldn't believe I just had sex with a grown woman. Let alone a grown woman that my best friends mother hates.
My best friend.
"Fuck." I hissed.
"What, babe?" She asked.
"Elly's probably wondering where I am." I stated, sitting up.
"Don't worry about it. Can you not go a day without her?" Zora asked.
I looked at her like she was insane.
But then I thought about it.
Can I?
"Mm. I see that look. It's sad that you have to think about that." She sighed, slipping off the bed. She lit a cigarette and threw the box at me.
"You have a life, too. You can't depend on her to be anywhere and everywhere with you. Be independent once in a while. Make your own choices. Maybe that's something I should teach you." She smirked. I stared at her naked body as she stood at the end of the bed.
I took a cigarette from the box and lit it, watching the smirk appear on her face.
"Good choice."
I inhaled, feeling the nicotine fill my blood stream.
"I'm going to go cook something to eat." She slipped on a robe and I watched as she sashayed out of the room.
I slipped on my shirt and ran downstairs, putting the cigarette out.
I sat on the table and watched as she moved around the kitchen.
"I know I'm pretty, don't have to stare at me too much." She chuckled. I rolled my eyes and watched as she poured champagne into a cup, and added orange juice to it.
I took the cup and sipped it.
She took a small bag filled with white powder and took a spoon, laying it across the table.
"What's that?" I asked.
She smirked and leaned down, inhaling the line.
Oh shit.
"I-is that.."
"Yes." She said suddenly. I stared at her like she was crazy.
"Want some?" She asked.
I stared down at the white powder.
"Well, don't be scared. Here." She handed me the spoon.
"What I say about making your own choices?" She asked, quirking her brow.
I took it.
"Now put it up to your nose."
I obeyed.
I sniffed, and felt all the blood in my body rush to my head.
"Oh god." I held my nose and she grinned.
I felt powerful.
"You feel good, don't you?" She asked. I nodded, sipping my drink.
I felt like I could carry the whole world on my shoulders.
Her hand started to caress my thigh and I looked at her face and she smirked.
"I love the way you look when you're turned on." She breathed.
"Do you?" I said, boastfully.
"Mhm." Zora mumbled, kissing my neck. I bit my lip, moaning softly as my fingers found her hair.
"What do I look like?" I asked. She looked at my face and kissed my mouth.
"Your eyes darken. And they're hooded, and your cheeks become red and flustered while your lips part slightly as you stare at me, ready for me." She whispered. I felt her tongue move across my cheek, before finding the lobe of my ear. She bit down and I hissed.
"I'm ready for you, now." I breathed, pulling her face to mine.
We kissed passionately. It felt as if my skin was on fire. I grabbed her hand and pressed it against my breast and she toyed with my nipple. I moaned, smirking as I stared up at the ceiling while she kissed down my body.
I felt good and I never wanted this feeling to go away.
Cocaine is one hell of a drug.

Obsessed II (obsessed sequel. Girl on girl.)Where stories live. Discover now