Basket Case.

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Allison's point of view;

"Welcome to SouthOaks, Allison." A blue eyed nurse grinned, her dimples deep in her cheeks.
"Nurse Sheila will take you to get evaluated, and then take you to your room." She continued. I nodded and sighed.
Here I am in a mental hospital.
Anorexia nervosa, depression, self harm, drug addiction.
I felt a pang in my chest as I remembered watching the secretary write it down on my chart, before telling my mother she can't come up until visiting hours.
Mom looked at me with watery green eyes before kissing my forehead, watching two men in all white scrubs bring me upstairs.
"Weight is: seventy six pounds. Height is: four eleven, when's your birthday, sweetie?" Nurse Sheila asked.
"February fourteenth, 20xx." I responded.
"Okay,'re all set. You're not allowed to take the band off until you're out of here." She grinned.
I slipped my hospital gown back on and she led me through the ward.
"This is the living room. It's where we eat, socialize, and watch television."
There were a group of teenagers sprawled around the room.
"Say hello to Allison, everyone."
Everyone looked up, and said a hi, before going back to their activities.
She showed me around the hospital ward, before showing me to my room.
"Okay, here are some toiletries and your clothes your mom brought you." She grinned.
"Thanks." I mumbled.
She shut the bedroom door and I looked around.
Dark green walls, sterile floor. Two twin sized beds on each side of the room, gated windows.
I already felt trapped.
I stood and walked into the small bathroom, shutting the door.
I washed my hair and body, scrubbing until I felt clean enough. I started to cry, the warm water hitting my face as my tears streamed down.
I fucked up so badly. And now I have to pay for the consequences.
I tried getting myself together, hopping out the shower and drying myself. I used the lotion they gave me and moisturized my body, before slipping on my clothes.
I looked in the mirror, my eyes blood shot from my crying session, my hair curly and wild.
I walked out of the room, startled when I saw a girl with huge green eyes and purple hair stare at me.
"Hey, are you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah." I replied. She grinned widely.
"Good! I'm Becca, your roommate. I heard you crying in the bathroom, and I just wanted to make sure you're alright." She smiled.
So much for privacy.
"Thanks. I'm fine."
"What's your name?" She asked, following me as I sat on my bed.
"Allison." I responded shortly.
"That's such a pretty name. What are you in for?" She asked. I grew angry at her questions and glared at her.
"Why does it matter?" I asked.
"Sorry. You'll have to share in group talk, anyways." She giggled.
I sucked my teeth and walked out of the room, toward the living room.
I sat in a corner by myself, curling in fetal position in the chair. I looked around and saw one girl hanging upside down on the chair,swinging her legs up in the air, until the nurse told her to stop.
I wish I had my phone.
"Why, Anna?" She whined.
"Fix yourself, little girl."
I flinched at her tone. It reminded me of Zora and the way she'd talk to me, sometimes.
'Yes, little girl?'
"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" The nurse, Anna, asked. I shook my head.
"Ah, you're new here. Is it Allison?" She asked.
"Yes ma'am." I breathed.
"Good to meet you." She grinned.
"Yeah." I breathed.
I heard the chair scrape next to me and looked over.
At least three boys were next to me.
What even..
"I think you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life." One of them breathed.
"Shut the fuck up, Nicki. I called her first."
"Um.." I stumbled.
"Boys! Get away from her!" The nurse yelled. They scurried away and I groaned in embarrassment.
"Don't worry about them. They're such pigs." Some girl mumbled in disgust. I looked over at her.
"They do that to every girl that comes here, trying to get in their pants. Don't fall for it, honestly." She continued, looking over at me.
"The nurses allow that?" I asked. She shrugged.
"They can't stop teenagers with raging hormones. It's gross." She sighed. Her deep blue eyes swam with sadness.
"I'm Angel." She stated.
"Nice to meet you, Allison." She smirked.
Angel had the palest skin ever, jet black hair, and the pinkest lips I've ever seen.
"So, new'd you end up in this dump?" She asked.
"I already tried asking, and she didn't answer." Becca stated, sitting across from us.
"It's because you're fucking annoying, that's why." Angel hissed, her snake bites on her tongue sticking out.
"You love me, though." Becca grinned.
"Sadly." Angel sighed. Becca giggled and I looked between them.
"Sounds like you guys know each other well." I chuckled lowly.
"Ah yeah, she's grown on me." Angel chuckled.
"How long have you guys been here?" I asked.
"I've been in and out three years." Becca grinned.
"Same." Angel sighed.
"For what?" I asked.
"Asks the girl who won't tell us why she's here!" Angel exclaimed.
I groaned.
"Alright alright. I tried killing myself." I stated.
"That's boring! What else?" Becca asked.
I stared at her, baffled by her reaction.
"W-what?" I asked.
"Like..did you do drugs? Why'd you wanna kill yourself?" Becca continued. I looked over at Angel for help but her eyes were as wide and wondering as Becca's were.
"Yes. I did drugs, and because my life was going downhill and I didn't want to deal with it, anymore." I continued.
"I feel you on that one." Angel replied. Becca lifted her sleeves and I gasped.
Marks and scars were everywhere, deep and profound. Two large scars on her wrists stood out the most.
"I did this when I was thirteen." She grinned.
"Put them away, Becca." Angel stated. Becca pouted, her green eyes sad, before tucking her hair in the back of her ear, showing me a stitched incision, connecting her ear to her face.
"I cut my ear off, trying to stop the voices." She continued.
"I was quite amazed, too." Angel chuckled.
"Jesus..are you okay, now?" I asked. Angel let out a guffaw and Becca shook her head like a child.
"No one in here is okay." Angel spoke.
I looked down at my hands.
"Hey, don't be sad. Trust me, you'll warm up to everyone and you will have the time of your life here." Angel smirked.
Oh I bet.
I looked around and my eyes stopped on the most vibrant pair of brown eyes staring at me.
"Tituba!" The boy yelled, his eyes wide.
"Oh boy.." Angel breathed as the boy came over to us in a hurry.
He grabbed my hand and I stared at him, fear filling my stomach as he went on his knees, a large grin on his face.
"My dearest have found me.." He whispered, kissing my hand.
"Terrance! Boundaries!" The nurse yelled. He ignored them and I stared into his crazed brown eyes, feeling my heart warm as he blinked, a tear trickling down his dark face, dripping off his chin.
"Terrance!" The nurse yelled again. He shot up and looked over at the nurse, gripping my hand with force.
"I have found her, miss Sheila. The love of my life. The tituba that I need to redeem myself." He cried. Everyone stared at him, including myself.
What the hell is he talking about?
"Come with me, and we'll talk all about it with the counselor, okay?" Nurse Sheila stated as she pulled on his hand. He nodded, looking over at me, before walking away with the nurse.
"Who the hell was that?!" I asked.
"That's Terrance." Becca shrugged.
"What was he doing?! Who the hell is tituba?" I exclaimed, clearly confused as to what just happened.
"Terrance has bipolar one disorder with psychosis. He has this thing for witchcraft and shit, and constantly reads this book called I, Tituba. We all think he's a basket case." Angel chuckled.
"What is a Tituba?" I asked.
"She's the first black witch of Salem. One of the first to be accused of witchcraft. She disappeared ever since the witch trails, and he thinks she'll make an appearance and that he's John Indian's redeemer who she'll be in love with or something like that." Angel continued.
"Well..what does this Tituba look like?" I asked.
"Well in the book she's described as dark skinned, long black hair, light eyes. Like you." Becca grinned.
"So he thinks I'm Tituba?" I asked.
"From the scene he just caused...I'm guessing that's a yes." Angel laughed.
Well then..
After a night getting to know my surroundings, it was time for bed. I watched as everyone scurried to their rooms, Becca pulling me by the hand.
I laid down in the bed, ignoring Becca's chatter. My eyes grew heavy and I stared at the green walls, watching the patterns dance about, when the lights turned on.
"Becca, here's your meds. Allison, you are not registered for meds, yet, but do you need anything?" The nurse asked.
"I'm fine, thanks." I mumbled.
"Goodnight, kiddos."
The door shut and the room was black. I sighed and curled up under my blanket, feeling the drowsiness take over me.

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