Home sweet home (epilogue).

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Nina's point of view;


"You ready to go?" Alice asked as I packed the last of my bag. I nodded, groaning lowly as I sat down in the wheel chair. Timothy was asleep in my arms, his pale face content, a little smile on his face.
"Yes, we have a wedding to get ready for!" I grinned. She leaned down and kissed the top of my head, before wheeling me out of the hospital. I buckled Timothy in his car seat and his eyes opened, lazily. He shot me a little smile, his dimples deep in his cheeks. Just like mine.
God, he's so perfect.
"He looks just like you." Alice said, grimly.
"Don't be jealous that he's cuter than you." I giggled.
"Oh shut up." She laughed.
"Besides, you already have your twin." I laughed as I got in the car.
"Oh yeah, I know. But we all know I'm narcissistic." She chuckled. I sucked my teeth.
"Drive. The wedding is at eight, and it's already three. I don't want to miss my sisters wedding." I sighed.
"You know, she did say you don't have to go because you did just get out the hospital." Alice shrugged.
"Shut the hell up and drive, before I pinch you."
"The wedding is at our house, anyway. So why rush?" She laughed.
"Then why the f-..you know what.." I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes, before looking at our son.
"Tell your mom to shut up." I huffed. He chewed on his fingers, his blue eyes large and wide.
"He's saying it, internally."
Alice chuckled and shook her head, driving off.
We reached home and I carried Timothy inside as Alice carried everything else.
"Welcome home!" Everyone yelled, causing both Timothy and I to jump. I giggled and embraced my hugs from everyone.
"He looks just like you, oh my god!" Lina squealed, taking my baby from me.
"Nice to see you too." I sighed.
"Mommy!" Jessica yelled, running toward me. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her, tightly.
"I missed you, baby." I grinned. She smiled shyly, when I realized half her hair was blonde.
"Who dyed your hair?" I asked.
"No one did. While you were in the hospital, her hair just grew and turned color. Maybe it's the seasonal change." Alice sighed.
"Well you look gorgeous." I grinned. Jessica smiled widely and ran off.
"Hey mom." Allison grinned, hugging me.
"How are you?" I asked.
"I'm great, now that you're back home. I'm so happy you're okay." She breathed. I nodded, tucking her hair behind her ear. It still startled me how much her and Alice looked alike. They could've passed off as twins if it wasn't for the height difference.
"Auntie!" Elly screamed, tackling me.
"Hey, lady bug!" I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around her.
"Oh my god, you're alive, ALIVE!" She screamed.
"Yes I am." I chuckled.
"Okay, people! We have a wedding to prepare for, so let's do it!" Alice yelled. People were scurrying around the house, and I walked into the backyard and gasped.
It was a beautiful set up, violets and other flowers covering the aisle, lights shining and all. Jane was going to be so happy.
"Here's your bridesmaid dress." Alice grumbled, handing it to me.
"Where's your dress?" I asked.
"It's upstairs." She stated.
"Lets go see it." I winked.
I watched as Lina held Timothy, Sakura crawling all over the floor next to her. I ran upstairs, Alice on my tail.
Her dress was gorgeous, a dark blue, that stopped mid thigh. It was sleeveless, and I couldn't wait to see it on her.
"Come shower with me, save water and time." I smirked. She locked the bedroom door and her lips found mine, lifting me up and wrapping my legs around her waist.
We got in the bathroom, and she put me down, turning on the shower water. She unbuttoned my shirt and kissed down my chest, kissing my C-section scar and all.
"I love you so much." She breathed against my skin. I unhooked my bra and pulled her face back to mine, kissing her. She kissed me back, biting down on my bottom lip. I moaned, kissing her neck as I pushed her shirt off her shoulders. I unhooked her bra and licked down her chest, sucking on her breasts. She moaned, pushing my pants down my body. I pulled hers off and we were both completely naked, pressed against the shower wall, her hands running around my body.
"Please touch me." I moaned. She sucked on my neck, hitching my leg onto her shoulder as she pushed her fingers inside me. I gasped, my eyes rolling in my back of my head as her thumb pressed against my clit. She continued to touch me, my moans filling the bathroom.
I felt myself growing closer to my climax and my moans grew louder and louder as I started to cum all over her fingers, gasping against her mouth. I kissed her softly, my hands wrapped around her waist as she kissed me back, our kiss sweet and innocent. My hand moved up to her face and I held it to me, our kiss lasting for God knows how long.
It felt good to be in her arms in our own home, again.
I kissed her once more, before pulling my face back, slightly.
"I never want to lose you." She breathed as I caressed her cheek. I felt the tears build in my eyes as all the love I felt for her swelled up my heart.
"The past twenty two years with you have been the best and worst years of my life. Twenty more with you, maybe more, is all I ask for." I breathed, the tears falling down my face. She kissed me again, and I kissed her back, softly, pecking her mouth over and over, until she started to laugh.
We showered and started to get ready. I curled my hair and did my make up, before slipping into my violet colored dress. I walked downstairs and ran into the backyard, to make sure everything was set up.
"Mrs Brown, we have the cake set up on the table." The decorator stated.
"Okay, great. Is everything else set?" I asked. She nodded and I grinned. The priest was sipping his coffee, and I looked around and saw Jessica walking outside in her dress.
"Mommy, Ally curled my hair." She grinned.
"It looks very nice. Now, make sure you don't get your dress dirty, okay?" I asked. She nodded and ran back inside. I walked in and saw Alice in her dress and heels, her makeup dark and smoky. I wrapped my arms around her from behind and she turned around.
"You look beautiful." I breathed.
"So do you." She grinned, leaning down to kiss my mouth. I kissed her back.
"Save the PDF for the after party!" Lina yelled. I shook my head and took Timothy from her arms. He was dressed in his little tuxedo and he grinned, biting on his fist.
"Is he fed?" Alice asked, taking him from my arms.
"Yes, ma'am." Lina grinned.
"Thanks, girl. I don't know how I'd survive without you." I smiled, hugging her, tightly.
"Aw, of course, Nina bean." She breathed, hugging me back.
"I love you, man." I sighed.
"I love you too. Always." She grinned. I squeezed her hand, and watched as Ally and Elly walked downstairs, hand in hand in their matching dresses. I smiled as both Terrance and Alonzo waited for their girls by the door. Terrance took Allison's hand and kissed it, while Alonzo kissed Elly's forehead.
I felt emotional again as I watched everyone come together for my sisters wedding.
The sister who made my life a living hell, until we realized that we need each other.
"You ready?" Alice asked. I nodded and smiled, kissing her cheek. I looked around and saw my family gathered around, before walking in the backyard. I stood in my spot next to her friends and I winked at Alice who blew me a kiss from her seat.
"You take care of her." I breathed to Jamal. He nodded, tears in his eyes as Jane walked down the aisle, in her beautiful white dress. I smiled at her as she reached the alter and She grinned, bouncing on her toes.
They said their vows and I watched as Jessica and Justin walked up and gave them their rings.
"I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The priest said. They kissed and everyone cheered, Shataviah crying her eyeballs out as she watched her daughter kiss her new husband. As they walked down the aisle together, I took Alice's hand in mine and smiled as I watched the happy couple walk into the house. I looked up at Alice and she caressed my cheek, before kissing me softly.
We walked into the house, music playing and everyone dancing and celebrating. I felt whole, surrounded by everyone that I loved smiling and having fun, including my beautiful wife who had her arms wrapped around me as we swayed to the music.
"I can't wait to continue forever with you." I whispered in her ear.
"Of course, baby. From now, until eternity."
From now, until eternity.
The end.


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