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Now the stable started to burn wild.   The fire was so strong that it started to spread to the house.   Priscila's parents were in the barn, when they finally noticed the fire, it was too late.  They were trapped with no way out.   Mr. and Mrs. Penny tried their best to escape the fire.  The fire was so strong that it burned,  Priscila's parents to death.

Now fifty feet away, someone is not too happy with the smoke.     "What is going on here.  They're smoking up my home.  Then this smell will stay here for a very long time.  I must find out what's going on." he said to himself

Leo quickly went to his doorway, with no door to be seen.    He then waved his hand and a door appeared embedded in the wood of the large tree that leads to Leo's underground home.  He walked out the door and then he appeared in the woods that was at the back of  Penny's home.    Leo noticed the house up in flames.  He quickly thought about the people who live there.   "Oh no, there might be someone in there.  I must check." he thought as he headed to the front of the house.     He grabbed a bucket then filled it up with water.  

Then he placed the bucket of water over the burning house.   He then waved his hand.   Then the water started flowing out the bucket like a running stream.  The waters change into lots of pretty colors.  As the water flowed out, it quickly extinguished the burning house.    Some much water that it turned off the fire.  Leo then started screaming, "Hello, is anyone there.?"  he said as he started to walk into the house.  When he enter their barn he then noticed them laying in a corner, holding each other.   He looked at them, and to him, that was one of the saddest things he had ever seen.

Leo quickly made sure the fire was completely out.  Then he heard the fire engines coming.  "Time to go, If I'm seen, I'll be blame and boy I don't need that." he thought to himself as he waved his hands then his door reappeared then in his house he went.

The firemen quickly jumped out of the truck to start to work.   But before they can get the holes, they realize that all they were seeing was just the smoke from the aftermath.  The fire was completely off.  "Tim, do you see this?" asked Rocky  "Yes, how did this fire turned itself off?"asked Tim   "Beats me, look on the good side."said Rocky   "What's that?"asked Tim "Less work for us, believe me, that fire looked bad,"said Rocky as he started to walk into the barn.  When he noticed the Penny's, laying on the floor.   

"Tim hurry get the MT, they're two bodies in here." said Rocky as he called it in        "Wow that's sad, those are the Penny's.  How many bodies did you say there were?"asked Tim   "Two, Sir."said Rocky   "Do they look, like grownups?"asked Tim    "Yes I think they are grown ups."said Rocky    "Oh, thank god, that means the fire started after Priscila went to school."explained Tim   "Oh wow you knew these two?  Sorry to hear that sir." said Rocky as he continued to do his job.  "Rocky  you finish up here with the guys, I'm heading to the school, I  must tell their daughter what just happen," said Tim as he got into the fire car then headed to the school

Now Max saw the fire and smoke from a distance.  He had made a big mistake.  When his partner returned, he was going to really hear it.   Max started pacing up and down nervously. Every now and then he will look down the road checking if he was coming.

Now, Leo, he thought nothing about the fire,  he just kept on living his life as usual.  Today was Wednesday.  Every Wednesday he will go to the other side of the mountain a mile away.  He always got lucky finding lots of delicious mushrooms. Leo loved his spaghetti with mushroom sauce.    Leo headed to the mountain to collect his mushrooms.

Now Tim reached school.   He then informed the office what had happened to Priscila's parents.  They then called Priscila to the office.    Then they explained to her what had happened to her parents.  She began to cry.   She was confused,  everything was fine at the farm.  Why were her parents dead?  She was very upset and determined to find out what did happen.   Priscila was devastated.   The school released her early that day.  Tim then gave her a ride back to the farm

 When she got there, they didn't let her go into the barn.   They explained to her that the only thing that wasn't burned was the cabin in the back of the house.   That maybe she can stay there until the insurance gives her some help.  Priscila agreed.    The firemen started the investigation, they realize it was arsine.  Someone deliberately set the fire.  That made Priscila a little afraid.   "Why will anyone want to hurt my family.  This doesn't make sense at all," she told herself as she was crying

Before the fireman left, they knock on Priscila cabin:s door.   "Miss Penny, we're going to leave a policeman patrolling your farm, whoever started that fire, might just come back around.  We want you to be safe.  So if you decide you need to go anywhere," asked Sergent Cruz.   He'll give you a hand with anything you might need." explained Tim      Then Priscila remember that no one used the cabin in twenty years,  so the cabinets were empty, no food to be found.  "Excuse me, I can use a couple of things before you leave sir," she said  

 "What will that be?'asked Tim  "I need some food.  I can go to the chicken coop and retrieve some eggs, but that's about it.  Unless I climb the fruit trees.  I'm too upset to climb." she said  "Sure, no problem.  write down everything you need, I'll pick it up for you." said Tim       Pricilla wrote down everything she needed, then handed him the list.   Tim took the list, then all the firemen left, but one.

Now on the other side of town,  Rick was finding the information he was looking for.   But it was strange.  The deed belonged to someone who went by the name of Luie.   This person disappeared about a  hundred years ago.   Due to this fact,  Rick thought he hit the jackpot.  No owner, no problems, he always said.    He then headed back to the hotel to give Max the good news.

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