Leo's Gold

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Now while Max went looking for Priscila, Rick decided to go back to the digging site.   As he was setting up explosives in a four -foot hole that he just dug.  He happened to hear the shots.  "Shit, Max is going to get both of us arrested.  I'm must have a talk with him," he said as he found a hiding spot and press the control button.   The dynamite made a very loud explosion.  The hole now was about fifty feet deep.  The walls and the ground in the hole there was nothing but gold.  If shined so bright that Rick knew he hit the jackpot.   He ran to check out was he just found.  When he looks he really thought he was going to look at some copper.  But to his surprise it was gold.  Rick quickly ran and tied a long rope to a tree and started to make it down to the center of the hole.   "Oh my goodness, it's not copper, is gold.  Boy,  we're  rich," he said as he started to kiss the walls and the ground

Now Leo was on his way to look for  Max and Rick, but something came over his body.  Leo turned into a very ugly and evil looking creature.   Now he was about six feet tall.  "That explosion!  My gold!  So people have to learn the hard way." he said as he flew in the direction of the sound. 

Now Max also heard the explosion, that he forgot to look for Priscila and headed to where Rick was.   Rick was now laying on the floor on his back,  singing a song."Shit yes, I'm rich.  My digging days are over today. The rest of my life, no need to work.  I'm the richest man on earth today." he repeated over and over

Now Leo made a scary growling sound, as he was getting closer to Rick.  Rick heard the noise. "Shit what the hell was that?" he said as he started to climb out of the hole.  He climbed as fast as he was able to.  Leo kept growling as he was closer.  Rick noticed the noise was close.  "What the hell is making that horrible noise.  Shit, I must get out and get my gun," he said as he continued to climb.   

Max rode the horse as fast as possible.   Priscila also heard the noise.  She was afraid that something might happen to Leo.  She decided to go to see if he needed her help.  She remembered how to open the door without magic.  So she left her tree and went deep into the forest looking for Leo.      

Rick almost made it out of the hole, but he wasn't fast enough.   Leo appeared in the air holding onto the rope.  "Don't you know that Leprechaun really dislikes anyone touching their gold.  Who do you think you are?  You come on my land and think you can explore my home.  This is my land, my gold!" said Leo as he flew higher in the air with the rope.   Rick was still hanging tight on the rope.

"What the hell are you?  You ain't no Leprechaun.   Leprechaun, are short ugly creatures.  I pretty sure they aren't that ugly." said Rick     "You really think is wise to make fun of me, when I'm holding on to your rope?" asked Leo as he cut the rope off the tree and further up in the air the went.

Max finally made it to the digging site.  He almost fell in the large hole, but he stopped the horse on time.  He got off his horse and looked inside the hole.  "Holly shit, that's all good.  Rick, where are you?  Man, you've done good, We are super-rich," he said as he looked around for Rick.

Then he heard Rick screamed from a distance.   Max, looked up.   "What the hell is that thing?" he said     "Help me said Rick." as he was dangling on the rope as Leo was fly around trying to knock him off the rope.  Rick held on tight.   "Rick are you all right?" yelled Max      Again Rick yelled for help.     

Max didn't know what to do, so he began to shot at Leo.   Leo kept flying out of the bullets way.

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