The Book

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  Scorpius was sitting on a couch in the Slytherin common room, reading a book. This is how most of his nights were spent. He didn't have many friends to hang out with. Rose Granger-Weasley was just about his only friend. Rose was his best friend. But she was in Gryffindor, so they couldn't hang out in the common rooms together.
  After a few minutes of reading, Scorpius heard the sound of many footsteps thundering down the stairs from the dorms. Albus Potter and his friends emptied into the common area, dressed in their practice gear. Scorpius assumed they were heading to the pitch to practice.

  Scorpius watched Albus and his friends leave the common room. Deciding to head down to the pitch and silently cheer them on(more like stare at Albus) from the shadows, he followed them out. Not wanting to seem creepy, he took a longer way to get there so he wouldn't be right behind them. The longer way just meant walking down a few extra corridors before heading outside.

  Scorpius was now walking past the Gryffindor common room when Rose slipped out of the portrait hole. Her eyes landed on Scorpius. She smiled a warm smile and walked to his side.

  "Where are you going?" She asked as they walked down the corridor together.

  "Albus and his friends went to practice quidditch. You know what that means." Scorpius replies. Rose is familiar with the fact that Scorpious watches the Slytherin Quidditch team every time they practice.

  "Ah, yes. I do know what that means. You know, it's kind of creepy to just, hide in the shadows and watch Albus. Although it is kind of cute how much you like him." Rose says, clearly amused.

  "Yeah, yeah. I know. He's Albus Potter. Have you seen him? He's pleasant to look at." Scorpius thinks of Albus's shimmery green eyes, and his always-messy hair. Gorgeous.

  Rose laughs and shakes her head. She loops her arm with Scorpius's. "Come on, Scorp. Let's go watch some quidditch."


  After watching the team practice for about a half hour, Rose decided she was bored, and dragged Scorpius away from the pitch. "Move it, Malfoy. I actually have something I want to give to you."

  Once they were back in the castle, Rose lead Scorpius to the Fat Lady Portrait and instructed Scorpius to stay put. Rose entered the common room, leaving Scorpius alone in the corridor. After only a few moments, she emerged, holding a book.

  Rose approached Scorpius, holding the book to her chest so he couldn't see the cover. She gave him a mischievous smile. "I want you to have this. I am so tired of you moping about Albus."

  She placed the book in Scorpius's outstretched hands. The covers were a light blue, with a navy blue leather binding. On the front, in black letters, the book title sat. How to Get a Boy to Like You.

  Scorpius raised an eyebrow at Rose, who winked before heading off down the corridor. Scorpius looked down at the book in his hands and blushed. Flipping to the first page, he noticed that it was a step-by-step book.

  Well, Scorpius thought. I guess it's worth a shot.

  Scorpius planned on following every step.

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